2 Amendments of Dimitar STOYANOV related to 2011/2290(INI)

Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Believes that fisheries management should be based on solid scientific knowledgerecommendations and expert advice, (following an approach taking account of both the ecosystem and the precautionary principle) making use of partnerships between the research field and the fisheries sector, and calls for regional data collection programmes and national research programmes providing for regional coordination among Member States;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 а (new)
4а. Welcomes the Commission’s initiative to maintain and expand the role of advisory councils in upholding the regional cooperation model; given that the Black Sea waters are shared by four countries, the foundation of an advisory council for the Black Sea could be considered as having a positive effect on policy in the fields of biodiversity protection, scientific research, data collection and innovation in aquaculture;
Committee: REGI