1 Amendments of Esther DE LANGE related to 2011/2226(DEC)

Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Takes careful note of all new policies, rules, implementing measures and actions which have been set up since 2007 to avoid and mitigate Conflict of Interest amongst scientific experts and staff; welcomes in this regard the code of conduct of the EFSA Management Board and their active approach in reviewing their declarations of interest, and the new rules for screening for conflicts of interest in force since July 2012, which were proactively used in the renewal of the scientific panels; is determined to monitor the effect of these actions; will continue to invite the Executive Director for an exchange of views on a regular basis, to foster the exchange of information also through the appointed contact person from amongst its members and by visiting the Agency every two years; recalls that the last visit took place in May 2012;
Committee: ENVI