2 Amendments of Johan DANIELSSON related to 2019/2028(BUD)

Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Recalls that in an environment of stagnating wages, taking into account that both the Commission and the ECB have recommended a general increase in wages and a general improvement in the quality of employment, it is key to further strengthen social dialogue across Europe to balance industrial relations; stresses that workers' participation and inclusion in company matters have a significantly positive impact on productivity, employees’ health and well-being, jobs quality and decent wages;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 59 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
12. Recalls that public investment in infrastructure is particularly sensitive to corruption; stresses the importance of guaranteeing a transparent and competitive tendering process for large-scale transport infrastructure projects financed by the EU; insists that contracting authorities and bidders for these large-scale projects must enter into Integrity Pacts under which third parties monitor their compliance with commitments to best practice and transparency; points out that it is also important for account to be taken in procurement procedures of the social conditions for workers; points out that today the entire transport sector is finding it hard to recruit staff, and that working conditions must be improved in order to address staffing issues;
Committee: TRAN