Activities of Nickolay MLADENOV related to 2007/2208(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Stabilisation of Afghanistan: challenges for the EU and the international community (debate)
Dossiers: 2007/2208(INI)

Amendments (6)

Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses the urgent need for the international community to analyse what strategic and conceptual misjudgements have contributed to the current situation in Afghanistan, including an honest assessment of both the current military strategy and the strategy for civil reconstruction; concludes that a major shift of strategy is necessary as peace, security and development will only prevail if the spiral of violence is brought to an end, if the prevailing military solution is replacsupported by reinforced civil reconstruction efforts, and if, as a result, the confidence of the Afghan population is restored; considers in particular that ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ is politically counterproductive because reconciliation and consolidation of peace cannot be imposed militarily from the outside but have to be developed inside Afghanistancould be perceived as counterproductive if the military pressure on the insurgents is not matched by a strengthened political process through which the Afghan authorities reach out to all segments of the population that recognise the Constitution and lay down their weapons;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Points out that the main problem facing the country is restoring security; notes that Afghanistan’s security problems are more complex than just a war on terror and therefore they require more thanboth a military and a political solution; points out that security is a prerequisite for the rule of law, which in turn creates an atmosphere conducive to human development, and that strengthening the rule of law can serve as an important means to advance the freedom of people to exercise choices and enhance their capacity to live meaningful and healthy lives;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Welcomes the commitment expressed in the Afghanistan Compact ‘to work towards a stable and prosperous Afghanistan, with good governance and human rights protection for all under the rule of law’; takes the view that in the absence of clear priorities or sequencing the Compact should have defined guidelines on how to achieve these ambitious goals, and stresses, therefore, the need for donors to ensure that their programmes are aligned with these priorities at the central and provincial levels and that the resources allocated are appropriate and effectively disbursed;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Stresses the urgent need to develop a balanced and sustainable approach to security sector reform (SSR), providing for a professional national army and police force; is concerned about the fact that the different approaches and focus of the main actors in the SSR have resulted in a situation where the development of the army is more advanced than that of the police, and both of these are more advance; stresses that the Afghan judicial system is in dire need of investment and thant the justice systemre is an urgent need to focus on upgrading its capacity and capability;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Stresses the need to redefine the role of the provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) as a result of the wider role of the military, which is increasingly overlapping with the mandates of civilian aid agencies, causing significant friction; calls on EU Member States that operate PRTs in Afghanistan to strengthen their coordination and exchange best practices with a view to establishing a common approach to civilian-military operations in the country; is convinced that the goals of humanitarian organisations, which operate on the basis of neutrality, independence and impartiality, and those of the military are not compatible; strongly believes that the PRTs should concentrate on specific objectives related to security, training and working with the Afghan police and military, and supporting the reach of the central government into insecure areas;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Expresses its deep concern about the ever-expanding cultivation and trafficking of opium which has serious political and national security implications in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries; stresses that the opium economy has become a source of corruption and undercuts public institutions, particularly those in the security and justice sectors; since there is no obvious solution, and since repressive measures aimed at crop eradication have not produced the expected results, calls on the international community and the Afghan government to develop a long-term strategy primarily aimed at comprehensive rural development, including the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and functioning administrative institutions; welcomes the increased dialogue between the Afghanistan, Iran and the international community on ways to curtail opium production and export;
Committee: AFET