2 Amendments of Petya STAVREVA related to 2007/2260(INI)

Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Emphasises the importance of the role to be played by the veterinary and the farming profession, which should be at the forefront of the development and delivery of specialised and proactive services such as animal health planning;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Endorses the strategy's 'target population', namely all of the following stakeholders identified and addressed in the communication: 'animal owners, the veterinary profession, representatives of the zooengineering profession, food chain businesses, animal health industries, animal interest groups, researches and teachers, governing bodies of sport and recreational organisations, educational facilities, consumers, travellers, competent authorities of Member States and the EU institutions';
Committee: AGRI