5 Amendments of Lily JACOBS related to 2008/2220(INI)

Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Believes that ensuring conditions of fair competition for strategic goods such as agricultural and food products should be a major European objective of public interest; considers it vital that there should also be conditions of fair competition for imported products, which tend not to meet standards comparable to those governing Community products; believes that the EU's quality standards need to be applied to third-country products having access to the single European marketthat, while third country imports to the EU must comply with EU food safety requirements, the EU does not need to impose its "process" standards on third countries; believes that European farmers should exploit the strengths of EU farming to a competitive advantage and better inform consumers about the quality of the products on offer;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Reaffirms that the goal of higher food safety standards should be that of attaining a high level of product quality offering a strong competitive advantage to agricultural producers, and that food safety and the requirements of environment- friendliness must not be allowed to generate significant extra costs for European; considers that where the use of EU taxpayers money can be justified is for supporting farmers; b in delieves that a key role needs to be played here by CAP funding, which farmers in Europe should use for ensuring product safety and higher product qualityring public goods, for which the market may not always reward farmers in meeting higher standards on animal welfare, environmental protection, among others;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Recalls that the ongoing liberalisation of world agricultural markets is exposing EU producers to direct international competition, and that any additional measures that have to be complied with may be detrimental to competition; but may also play to the advantage of EU farmers if they are effectively able to distinguish their products in the market place and gain premiums in return; EU farmers can turn consumer demands to their advantage by providing consumers with locally produced quality products, higher animal welfare and environmental standards, among others;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Is concerned at the fact that the majority of European consumers are not sufficiently well informed concerning the food chain, especially as regards products' and raw materials' origins; advocates mandatory indication of place of production of primary products via a 'made in the EU' or 'non-EU' labelbased on a country of origin label, reflecting consumer desire to know more about the origins of the product they are buying; believes such a system should also apply to processed food products and should account for the origins of the main ingredients and raw materials, specifying their place of origin as well as the place of final processing;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30
30. Notes, with regard to the international dimension, the existence of a number of problemissues relating to the competitiveness of the European industry vis-à- vis the Unionindustries of the EU's main trading partners; is concerned at pressure from products from emerging countries which do not meet the same security and quality standards and often benefit from lax controls; reiterates, in this connection, the need to implement the concept of 'qualified market access', as affirmed in numerous resolutions of Parliamentreiterates that third country imports must meet strict EU food safety requirements and believes that European farmers should make better use of the competitive advantage that can be gained by producing high quality products;
Committee: AGRI