3 Amendments of Armando FRANÇA related to 2007/0228(CNS)

Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5a (new)
(5-A) The European Parliament should contribute to promoting policies aimed at dynamising the Member States' labour markets and strengthening the EU's economy while not jeopardising the development of the third countries from which the emigrants come. With this in view, cooperation with the countries concerned is today essential if there is to be sustainable global development and a suitable immigration policy. The blue card, while certainly important for the EU economy, nonetheless entails a risk of talent flight which needs to be averted. Measures are therefore required to promote the 'circular movement of talent' by which highly qualified immigrants may return to their countries of origin.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5b (new)
(5-B) In recent decades the EU has operated a significant development policy in support of less-developed third countries, and it is essential to establish cooperation agreements with those countries, especially concerning immigration, with a view to safeguarding both the Union's needs and the development of the third countries from which highly qualified immigrants come, for instance by proposing solutions for the problem of 'talent flight'.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 4a (new)
Article 4a Criteria for granting the EU blue card The EU blue card shall be granted only to highly qualified immigrants from third countries with which the EU has previously concluded cooperation and partnership agreements including the areas of mobility and immigration.
Committee: LIBE