4 Amendments of Cornelis VISSER related to 2008/0069(COD)

Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recital 10
The Framework should comprise a quality assurance and improvement cycle of planning, implementation, evaluation/assessment and review of VET, supported by common quality criteria, indicative descriptors and indicators. The monitoring processes, including a combination of internal and external evaluation mechanisms, have to be defined by Member States as appropriate in order to identify the strength of systems, processes and procedures and areas for improvement. The Framework should include the use of measuring tools to provide evidence of effectiveness. It is important in this context that national quality frameworks should, at the minimum, comply with the standards and directives for quality assurance in intermediate vocational education and training laid down in the European Reference Framework.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recital 15
This Recommendation conforms to the principle of proportionality referred to in that Article because it does not replace or define national quality assurance systems. The Framework does not prescribe a particular quality system or approach, but provides common principles, quality criteria, indicative descriptors and indicators that may help to assess and improve existing systems and provision. Consequently, freedom of policy is preserved in Member States but the European framework is complied with.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 6 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 1
1. use and further develop the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework, quality criteria, indicative descriptors and reference indicators as set out in Annexes 1 and 2, to further improve, reform and develop their VET systems, support lifelong learning strategies and the implementation of the EQF and promote a culture of quality improvement at all levels. Extra emphasis should be placed on the transition from vocational education and training to higher education;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 2
2. devise a national approach for implementing the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework not later than 2010, involving the social partners and all other relevant stakeholders in accordance with national legislation and practice. This should include the identification of a number of common indicators to assess and monitor progress and to support review. It is also very important that Member States should develop greater mutual confidence in the quality of VET, because, where such confidence exists, students will easily be able to receive part of their education abroad without this being at the expense of recognition of diplomas or of the level of education received;
Committee: CULT