2 Amendments of Petru FILIP related to 2008/2242(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Acknowledges that irregularities in the use of EU funds relating to mismanagement and sometimes even fraud occur in a large number of Member States. Notes that the Member States reported 3 832 irregularities in 2007 (which is an increase by 19,2% in relation to 2006), that the total financial amount affected in 2007 was about EUR 828 million, that suspected frauds as a percentage of the total number of reported irregularities represent around 12-15% in 2007 and that the total irregular amount for the European Regional Development Fund has risen by 48% in comparison to 2006; stresses once again that Member States should ensure the adequacy of their financial control mechanisms and emphasises the importance of preventive action by the Member States in order to increase the detection of irregularities before any payment is effectively made to the beneficiaries. Underlines the fact that fighting fraud and corruption is an ongoing responsibility of all Member States and also that a concerted effort is needed in order to achieve real improvements.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Notes that the Commission has published a series of reports assessing the progress in Bulgaria and Romania of judicial reform and the fight against corruption under the Cooperation and Verification mechanisms and a separate report on the management of EU funds in Bulgaria, which highlight the need for sustained political commitment and implementation on the ground if the benchmarks set at the time of accession are to be met in full; notes also that specifically in the case of Bulgaria the Commission has provisionally suspended EU funding because of irregularities found through its control and auditing system; therefore calls upon; consequently encourages these Member States to take urgconsistent action to implement the concrete follow-up measures put forward in these reports.
Committee: REGI