Activities of Rareș-Lucian NICULESCU related to 2011/0092(CNS)

Plenary speeches (3)

Explanations of vote
Dossiers: 2011/0092(CNS)
Explanations of vote
Dossiers: 2011/0092(CNS)
Explanations of vote
Dossiers: 2011/0092(CNS)

Amendments (3)

Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 20
(20) Article 15(3) of Directive 2003/96/EC allows Member States to apply to agricultural, horticultural and piscicultural works as well as to forestry not only the provisions generally applicable to business uses but also a level of taxation down to zero. A with the goal of ensuring the economic viability of agricultural concerns, which are already confronted with high social, plant health and environmental requirements, with rising production costs at a time when farmers’ incomes are diminishing, without this being sufficiently compensated for by the market, and with heightened competition on the international agricultural marketplace. Despite this, an examination of that option has revealed that as far as general energy consumption taxation is concerned its maintenance would be contrary to the Union's wider policy objectives unless it is linked to a counterpart ensuring advances in the field of energy efficiency and resulting in a simultaneous reduction, in the medium term, in fixed production costs in the sectors concerned. Such advances in energy efficiency should form part of a sufficiently long cycle and be subject to public planning and monitoring by public bodies. As regards CO2 related taxation, the treatment of the sectors concerned should be alignetake into account the specific carbon capture and sto the rules applying to industrialrage capacities and risk of carbon leakage for each of the sectors and sub-sectors concerned, as well as the possible impact on the productivity and viability of the agriculture sectors. .
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 21 a (new)
(21) The biomass sector is a strategic sector as regards shaping not only the future energy mixes of Member States but also strategies for developing high added value biomass products for a low carbon economy, owing to the fact that biomass production acts as a carbon sink. All Member States should therefore impose general and similar rates of taxation, including in the case of VAT, to avert the risk of a ‘frontier effect’ arising between Member States, and even of their unequal development in the biomass sector.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 28
(28) Every fivthree years and for the first time by the end of 2015, the Commission should report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of this Directive, examining in particular the minimum level of CO2-related taxation in the light of the evolution of the market price in the EU of the emission allowances, the impact of innovation and technological developments and the justification for the tax exemptions and reductions laid down in this Directive, including for fuel used for the purpose of air and maritime navigation. The list of sectors or sub-sectors deemed to be exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage shall be the subject of regular review, taking into account the new data available. In view of the challenges faced by the agriculture sector and the goal of the future CAP reform to increase agricultural productivity, the Commission should assess, in particular, taking into account the availability of emerging evidence. he risk of carbon leakage in the agriculture sector and, where appropriate, within six months of the entry into force of this directive, submit to the Council and the European Parliament a proposal on a suitable extension of the list of sectors exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage.
Committee: AGRI