2 Amendments of Marit PAULSEN related to 2011/0177(APP)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Underlines the importance of the Common Agricultural Policy with regard to guaranteeing food supply for its citizens according to the Treaties; notes that demand for food is growing faster than supply; insists that Europe, as the biggest importer of agricultural products, needs to maintain and increase its agricultural potential in order to tackle current and future demands for food in the EU, with increased focus on sustainable productivity and climate change mitigation;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Calls, on therefore, on the Council to increase Council to recognise that agriculture spending has already taken significant reductions in Heading 2 and the subheading for direct payments and market related expenditure to EUR 420 682 million and EUR 336 685 million respectively, correspondand therefore believes that if there are to be any further reductions ing to a freeze in real terms, as requested in its earlier resolutionhe EU budget, the Council should look to other areas to make the necessary savings;
Committee: AGRI