44 Plenary speeches of Armin LASCHET
Situation in the Middle Esat
Joint initiative for peace, stability and democracy throughout the Middle East
Enlargement / Candidate countries (continuation)
EC-Israel association agreement
EU-UN relations
Programme of the Irish presidency
Draft 2004 budget as amended by the Council and Letters of Amendment 1,2,[amp] 3/2004
Main aspects and basic choices of CFSP
Peace and dignity in the Middle East
Presentation by the Council of draft general budget - 2004
Middle East
Security and defence – priorities and deficiencies
Military mission of the Union in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Commission policy strategy for 2004/2004 budget guidelines
Budget 2003 (as modified by the Council)
2003 budgetary procedure
General debate on the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2003
Programme of Danish Presidency
Legal personality of the European Union
Situation in the Middle East
Progress of the 12 candidate countries in 2000 (continuation)
Discharges (continuation)
Use of depleted uranium in Bosnia and Kosovo (Balkan syndrome)
2001 budget (continuation)
2001 budget procedure (continuation)
Progress towards accession by the 12 candidate countries (continued)
Security and defence
Reconstruction of Central America
Transitional civil administration/peace accords
Coherence of EU policies with development
Reform of UN
Reform of the UN
EU–Russia Relations
Preparation of the European Council (Brussels, 22-23 March 2005)
Situation in Lebanon
EU relations with the Mediterranean region
Situation in the Middle East
Voting time
Situation in Ukraine
Situation in the Middle East
Seizure of hostages and massacre in Beslan and the fight against terrorism