16 Amendments of Luigi COCILOVO related to 2008/2246(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas the Member States have transposed Directive 2002/14/EC unevenly and, in some cases, in a minimalist manner, 1 OJ C 364, 18.12.2000, p.1. 2 OJ C 364, 18.12.2000, p.1.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Heading 1
Implementing and improving the measures for transposition 1 OJ L 254, 30.9.1994, p. 64. of Directive 2002/14/EC
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Regrets that some Member States have not taken ‘atypical’ employees (part-time workers and workers on fixed-term contracts, temporary workers, trainees, apprentices and workers in assisted employment), into account in their measures for the transposition of Directive 2002/14/EC, and calls on them to do so;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 – point (e)
(e) incorporate the requirement imposed on the social partners and on the employerensure full compliance with the requirements laid down in Article 4(4)(e) of Directive 2002/14/EC, to consult as regards information and consultation rights and with a view to reachseeking an agreement on decisions likely to lead to substantial changes in work organisationwithin the meaning of paragraph 4(e) of that article;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Heading 2
Improving Community law on informing and consulting employeesdeleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Regrets that the Commission has no plans to propose a modification to Directive 2002/14/EC and recalls the above-mentioned joint declaration by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on employee representation;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 - introductory part
8. Calls on the Commission to propose a reform of Directive 2002/14/EC containing adequate provisions to:deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – point (a)
(a) make available to Member States a non-exhaustive listConsiders that a range of possible sanctions theyat Member States could take against employers who fail to comply with the right of employees to be informed and consulted as set out in Directive 2002/14/EC needs to be identified and made available to Member States,
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – point (b)
(b) makeConsiders that the transposition measures adopted by the Member States must ensure that the right of employees’ representatives to be informed and consulted remains an automatic right and not a right ‘on demand’, so as so avoid procedural difficulties in implementing this right, in line with the correct interpretation of Directive 2002/14/EC,
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – point (c)
(c) lower the workforce size thresholds for the undertaking or establishment above which Directive 2002/14/EC applies, in order to give wider coverage to small and medium-sized enterprises, which make up a significant proportion of the European economy,deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – point (d)
(d) revokeWelcomes the Commission’s initiative, in its communication on 'reassessing the regulatory social framework for more and better seafaring jobs in the EU’ (COM(2007)591), of addressing Directive 2002/14/EC and reviewing the possibility of derogating from the application of Directive 2002/14/EC made available by Article 3(3) thereof;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – point (d)
(d) revokeWelcomes the Commission’s initiative, in its communication on 'reassessing the regulatory social framework for more and better seafaring jobs in the EU’ (COM(2007)591), of addressing Directive 2002/14/EC, and accordingly calls on it to review the possibility of derogating from the application of Directive 2002/14/EC made available by Article 3(3) thereof;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 a (new)
13a. Considers that the action taken by the Commission towards this end, in close cooperation with the national authorities of the Member States concerned and the social partners, should shed further light on and resolve the problems identified in connection with interpretation of the directive or the conformity of transposition measures;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution
Heading 4
Improving the coordination of Community initiatives on informing and consulting employeesdeleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Welcomes the Commission’s initiative, in its communication on ‘Reassessing the regulatory social framework for more and better seafaring jobs in the EU’ (COM(2007)591) of addressing Directive 2002/14/EC;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Calls on the Commission to propose coordinated amendments tolook into the need for coordination of Directives 94/45/EC, 98/59/EC, 2001/23/EC, 2001/86/EC, 2002/14/EC, 2003/72/EC and Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001, in order to establish whether amendments are required to remove any overlapping or contradictions;
Committee: EMPL