2 Amendments of Andrew DUFF related to 2010/2071(INI)

Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Recalls the need for an EU White Paper on security and defence, based on systematic and rigorous security and defence reviews conducted by the States according to common criteria and timetable, which would define the Union's security and defence objectives and interests more clearly in relation to the means and resources available; emphasises that the White Paper should also define areas in which, and conditions under which, greater civilian- military cooperation is desirable to help achieve those objectives; the EU White Paper should identify explicitly opportunities for the pooling of the resources at EU level, as well as national specialization and capability harmonization, in order to achieve large economies of scale;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
34. Emphasises, therefore, the need to coordinate, and push for,stimulate investment in dual-use technologies and capabilities in the areas of defence and civilian security where overlaps have been identified, so as to quickly close capability gaps whilst avoiding unnecessary duplication, creating synergies and supporting standardisation; recalls the essential role in this respect is to be played by the European Defence Agency;
Committee: AFET