8 Amendments of Claude MORAES related to 2016/0176(COD)
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5 a (new)
Recital 5 a (new)
(5a) In that context, consideration should be given to expanding access to the European network of employment services (EURES) so that all the job opportunities in the Member States are also accessible by third countries nationals, since in order to get the “EU Blue Card” permit, those third-country nationals must first have a job offer. Expanding access to EURES would allow third-country nationals to avail themselves of the necessary assistance and support when using the platform.
Amendment 151 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5 b (new)
Recital 5 b (new)
(5b) The Union should consider further EU-wide admission systems to attract and retain workers – who are not categorized as highly skilled – where they would fill in identified labour market needs in the Members States
Amendment 173 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 13
Recital 13
(13) It is necessary to provide for a flexible demand-driven admission system based on objective criteria, such as a work contract or a binding job offer of at least 6 months, compliance with the applicable laws, collective agreements or national practices in the relevant occupational branches, a salary threshold adaptable by the Member States to the situation in its labour market and higher professeducational qualifications or higher professional skills.
Amendment 262 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 41
Recital 41
(41) EU Blue Card holders should be allowed to move to a second Member State under simplified conditions where they intend to apply for a new EU Blue Card based on an existing work contract or binding job offer. Second Member States should not be allowed to require from EU Blue Card holders any other authorisation than the EU Blue Card issued by the first Member State. As soon as they submit an application for an EU Blue Card within the deadline provided for in this Directive, they should be allowed to begin employment. In the second Member State the procedure for issuing an EU Blue Card should be simplified compared to the first EU Blue Card; as the mobile EU Blue Card holder has already exercised highly skilled activity in one Member State for a certain period of time, the second Member State should not have the need to control all the same details for a second time. However, mobility should remain demand-driven and therefore a work contract should always be required in the second Member State, all the conditions in applicable laws, collective agreements or practices in the relevant occupational branch should be met, and the salary should meet the threshold set by the second Member State in accordance with this Directive.
Amendment 383 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 5 – paragraph 6 a (new)
Article 5 – paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Member States shall develop mechanisms and arrangements for the evaluation of higher professional skills, as defined in Article 2(i) and the validation of professional experience, as defined in Article 2(j). When developing such mechanisms and arrangements, Member States shall consult with the social partners.
Amendment 393 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 6 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1
Article 6 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1
Amendment 400 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 6 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2
Article 6 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2
Amendment 413 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 6 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 (new) Art 6 paragraph 3 (new)
Article 6 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 (new) Art 6 paragraph 3 (new)
In circumstances where their labour market situation undergoes serious disturbances such as a high level of unemployment in a given occupation or sector, which may be limited to a particular part of their territory and where the Member State in question has checked whether the concerned vacancy could not be filled by national or Union workforce, by third-country nationals lawfully resident in that Member State and already forming part of its labour market by virtue of Union or national law, or by EU long-term residents wishing to move to that Member State for highly skilled employment in accordance with Chapter III of Directive 2003/109/EC. Member States shall involve social partners in the assessment of the circumstances related to the domestic labour market. The Member State concerned shall notify the Commission, at the latest one month in advance, of its intention to introduce such check in a given occupation or sector, which may be limited to a particular part of their territory, for third- country nationals coming from third countries for the next six months, and shall supply the Commission with all relevant reasons justifying this decision. For each extension of 6 months the Member State concerned shall send a new justified notification.