3 Amendments of John BOWIS related to 2006/0147(COD)

Amendment 24 #

Recital 6
(6) Raw foodstuffs which have not undergone any processing treatment and non-compound foodstuffs such as spices, herbs, teas and infusions (e.g. fruit or herbal tea) as well as mixtures of spices and/or herbs, mixtures of tea and mixtures for infusion, as long as they are consumed as such and/or not added to the food, do not fall within the scope of this Regulation.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 27 #

Article 2 - paragraph 2 - point (c)
(c) non-compound foods and mixtures ofsuch as, but not exclusively, fresh dried or frozen spices and/or herbs, mixtures of tea and mixtures for infusion as such as long as they have not been used as food ingredients.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 38 #

Article 16 - paragraph 6
6. The term "natural flavouring" may only be used if the flavouring component is derived from different source materials and where a reference to the source materials would not reflect their flavour or taste, and in the circumstances described in paragraph 5.
Committee: ENVI