2 Amendments of Philip BRADBOURN related to 2013/2220(DEC)

Amendment 2 #
Proposal for a decision 1
Paragraph 1
1. Grants the Executive Director of the European Food Safety Authority discharge in respect of the implementation of the Authority's budget for the financial year 2012 / Postpones its decision on granting the Executive Director of the European Food Safety Authority discharge in respect of the implementation of the Authority's budget for the financial year 2012;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Believes that the procedure for assessing possible conflicts of interests at the Authority, where declarations of interest are screened by Heads of Unit and are generally assessed on a case by case basis, is overly burdensome and is subject to criticism, raising questions aboutserious concerns regarding its credibility and effectiveness; notes withexpresses serious concern that even a revised procedure has not helped dispel fears about the Authority’s expert impartiality; calls ondemands that the Authority to come up with a simplified procedure with less uncertainty which would validate and streamline the process and save both human resources and money;
Committee: CONT