2 Amendments of Bart STAES related to 2014/2248(INI)

Amendment 891 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 38 a (new)
38a. Reiterates its commitment to initiating an ordinary treaty revision procedure under Article 48 TEU with a view to proposing the changes to Article 341 TEU and Protocol 6 necessary to allow Parliament to decide on the location of its seat and its internal organisation;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 901 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39
39. Reiterates its call for a single seat for the European Parliament; proposes that Parliament and the Council each decide the location of their own seat after having obtained the consent of the other; further proposes that the seats of all the other EU institutions, agencies and bodies be determined by Parliament and the Council on a proposal by the European executive, acting in accordance with a special legislative procedure;
Committee: AFCO