8 Amendments of Lara WOLTERS related to 2019/2056(DEC)

Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Is of the opinion that the protection of whistleblowers is a key element of democracy; recalls that, among others, accredited parliamentary assistants (APA) may find themselves in a particular situation due to their contract of employment; calls on Secretary-General to take that specificity into account when APAs act as whistleblowers, and to extend the contract protection options granted by Parliament for APAs victim of harassment to APAs who act as whistleblowers; asks the Secretary-General to find a solution for the fact that APA's salaries can exclusively go to Belgian bank accounts which runs counter to the idea of a single monetary and payments union; furthermore highlights the fact that current rules on the termination of contract for APAs do not foresee the possibility of a termination by “mutual consent”, which would be a way to recognise the special political relation between Members and assistants, where both parties can acknowledge the mutual trust is no longer persisting, and benefit from a common solution.
Committee: CONT
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 a (new)
28a. Reiterates its call on the Conference of Presidents and the Bureau to consider the possibility for accredited assistants, at certain conditions to be set, to accompany Members in official Parliament Delegations and Missions, as Members have repeatedly requested
Committee: CONT
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 49
49. Recalls that 2018 marked the first full year of operation for the House of European History; notes that the House of European History welcomed 164 158 visitors; welcomes the co-financing agreement with the Commission, ensuring a yearly contribution to the exploitation costs; remains deeply concerned by reports on working conditions in the European House of History under the previous contractor and urgently requests the Secretary-General to inform Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control on the situation of European House of History employees under the new contractor; also asks the Secretary- General to publish figures on the total costs of the contractor and the amount spent on the wage of the European House of History employees;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 62 a (new)
62 a. Deplores the fact that MEPS who are on maternity leave cannot be substituted; is of the opinion that this impossibility is fundamentally at odds with core values of the Union because it sends the signal that a vote on a female candidate may entail temporary non- representation; Is of the opinion that the impossibility to substitute MEPs on parental absence, but also of MEPs on long-term sick leave is an unresolved problem, since they cannot give a proxy to vote either which creates a temporary unbalanced representation of the European citizens; calls on the Council to amend the Art 6 of the Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (European Electoral Act) in order to remedy the situation;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 78
78. Acknowledges that the Bureau instructed the Secretary-General to authorise DG INLO to launch an architectural competition for the refurbishment of the Paul-Henri Spaak building considering only 2 options: renovation or redesign of the building; presses for the building to be prepared for a further evolution of Parliament’s activities in the decades ahead; recalls that an architectural competition was launched in order to have concrete architectural proposals and that a final decision on the project should be taken by the political and budgetary authorities; stresses that such a decision take place following the publication of an assessment of the safety of the building a budgetisation of the plan on which the decision is taken;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 81
81. Expresses strong concern for the working conditions of the cleaningwo of the external concessions contracted by Parliament, namely the cleaning and the restauration staff of the Parliament, and strongly recommends that DG INLO liaise with the cleaning companyorganises an independent survey about the satisfaction with the working conditions of the staff concerned subcontracted by the Parliament, in order to verify that Belgian law is abided by and to ensure that the subcontractor is aligned with Parliament’s policy of respect and dignity at workensure respect and dignity at work; calls for an evaluation of Parliament’s public procurement policy in light of improving transparent and predictable working conditions for all subcontracted services; calls on Parliament to report to the discharge authority on the results of such evaluation;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 184 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 106
106. Notes that the voluntary pension scheme has an estimated actuarial deficit of EUR 286,1 million at the end of 2018; further notes that at the end of 2018, the amount of net assets to be taken into account and the actuarial commitment amount to EUR 112,3 million and EUR 398,4 million respectively; considers that whereas national pension funds normally have to meet strict standards and are not allowed to have any actuarial deficit at all, the voluntary pension fund is now facing an deficit of 72% of the actuarial commitment; asks the Secretary-General to urgently consider bold measures to resolve this lingering situation, including cuts and the possibility of liquidation of all assets.
Committee: CONT
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 116
116. Highlights the increasing risks related to data and privacy; points with concern to recent reporting on storing and processing user's data when logging in to Parliament's wi-fi; strongly questions the need to retain data for up to six months1a; calls on Parliament to develop an information security policy and strategy; stresses that close cooperation between DG ITEC and DG SAFE is of utmost importance; encourages the directorate-general’s to plan common activities over the medium and long term; _________________ 1a 0
Committee: CONT