2 Amendments of Elisabetta GARDINI related to 2018/0228(COD)

Amendment 745 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point b – point vi a (new)
(via) actions improving and maintaining the quality of existing infrastructure in terms of safety, security and continuity of traffic flows and mitigation of exposure to negative effects of transiting rail and road transport, especially in urban areas;
Committee: ITRETRAN
Amendment 1129 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – Part III – point 1 – table – Core network corridor “Mediterranean”
Core network corridor "Mediterranean" Alignment Algeciras – Bobadilla –Madrid – Zaragoza – Tarragona Sevilla – Bobadilla – Murcia Cartagena – Murcia – Valencia – Tarragona/Palma de Mallorca – Barcelona Tarragona – Barcelona – Perpignan – Marseille – Genova/Lyon – Torino – Novara – Milano – Bologna/Verona – Padova – Venezia – Ravenna/Trieste/Koper – Ljubljana – Budapest Ljubljana/Rijeka – Zagreb – Budapest – UA border Pre- Cross- Lyon – Torino: base tunnel and access Rail identified border routes sections Nice – Ventimiglia Trieste – Divača Ljubljana – Zagreb Zagreb – Budapest Budapest – Miskolc – UA border Lendava – Letenye Road Vásárosnamény – UA border Missing Perpignan – Montpellier Rail link Koper – Divača Rijeka – Zagreb Milano – Cremona – Mantova – Porto Inland Levante/Venezia – Ravenna/Trieste - Waterways Ferrara/Porto Garibaldi
Committee: TRAN