5 Amendments of Iosif MATULA related to 2011/0217(COD)

Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 3 a (new)
– partnerships between regions to promote European Year of Citizens actions;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 4 – paragraph 2 a (new)
The Commission shall cooperate with the Presidencies of the Council of the European Union to ensure the visibility of European Year of Citizens actions.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex – point A – paragraph 2 – bullet point 1
 Production and dissemination of audiovisual and print material and of targeted promotional items which reflect the messages outlined in Article 2;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex – point A – paragraph 2 – bullet point 2 a (new)
• the selection of leading figures with major credibility to promote information on the rights of citizens in the EU;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex – point A – paragraph 2 – bullet point 4 a (new)
• production of a guide containing the essential information that needs to be conveyed to citizens across the EU during the European Year.
Committee: CULT