Activities of Pavel SVOBODA related to 2016/0280(COD)

Plenary speeches (2)

Copyright in the Digital Single Market (debate) CS
Dossiers: 2016/0280(COD)
Copyright in the Digital Single Market (debate) CS
Dossiers: 2016/0280(COD)

Amendments (12)

Amendment 311 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 33
(33) For the purposes of this Directive, it is necessary to define the concept of press publication in a way that embraces only journalistic publications, published by a service provider, periodically or regularly updated in any media, for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Such publications would include, for instance, daily newspapers, weekly or monthly magazines of general or special interest and news websites. Periodical publications which are published for scientific or academic purposes, such as scientific journals, should not be covered by the protection granted to press publications under this Directive. This protection does not extend to acts of hyperlinking which do not constitute communication to the public.deleted
Committee: JURI
Amendment 330 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 34
(34) The rights granted to the publishers of press publications under this Directive should have the same scope as the rights of reproduction and making available to the public provided for in Directive 2001/29/EC, insofar as digital uses are concerned. They should also be subject to the same provisions on exceptions and limitations as those applicable to the rights provided for in Directive 2001/29/EC including the exception on quotation for purposes such as criticism or review laid down in Article 5(3)(d) of that Directive.deleted
Committee: JURI
Amendment 345 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 35
(35) The protection granted to publishers of press publications under this Directive should not affect the rights of the authors and other rightholders in the works and other subject-matter incorporated therein, including as regards the extent to which authors and other rightholders can exploit their works or other subject-matter independently from the press publication in which they are incorporated. Therefore, publishers of press publications should not be able to invoke the protection granted to them against authors and other rightholders. This is without prejudice to contractual arrangements concluded between the publishers of press publications, on the one side, and authors and other rightholders, on the other side.deleted
Committee: JURI
Amendment 462 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 40
(40) Certain rightholders such as authors and performers need information to assess the economic value of their rights which are harmonised under Union law. This is especially the case where such rightholders grant a licence or a transfer of rights in return for remuneration. As authors and performers tend tocould be in a weaker contractual position when they grant licences or transfer their rights, they need information to assess the continued economic value of their rights, compared to the remuneration received for their licence or transfer, but they often face a lack of transparency. Therefore, the sharing of adequppropriate information by their contractual counterparts orand transferees or licensees and by their successors in title is important for the transparency and balance in the system that governs the remuneration of authors and performers.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 469 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 41
(41) When implementing transparency obligations, the specificities of different content sectors and of the rights of the authors and performers in each sector should be considered. Member States should consult all relevant stakeholders as that should help determine sector-specific requirements and facilitate the design of standard reporting statements and procedures for each sector. Collective bargaining should be considered as an option to reach an agreement between the relevant stakeholders regarding transparency. To enable the adaptation of current reporting practices to the transparency and where collective bargaining agreements containing transparency are in place the obligations, a of transitional period should be provided for. The transparency obligations do not need to apply to agreements concluded with collective management organisations as those are already subject to transparency obligations under Directive 2014/26/EUparency shall be deemed to have been satisfied. To enable the adaptation of current reporting practices to the transparency obligations, a transitional period should be provided for.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 478 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 42
(42) Certain contracts for the exploitation of rights harmonised at Union level are of long durationfor the entire duration of copyright, offering fewno possibilities for authors and performers to renegotiate them with their contractual counterparts or their successors in title. Therefore, without prejudice to the law applicable to contracts in Member States, there should be a remuneration adjustment mechanism for cases where the remuneration originally agreed under a licence or a transfer of rights is disproportionately low compared to the relevant revenues and the benefits derived from the exploitation of the work or the fixation of the performance, including in light of the transparency ensured by this Directive. Collective bargaining should be considered as an option to reach an agreement. The assessment of the situation should take account of the specific circumstances of each case as well asnd of the specificities and practices of the different content sectors. Where the parties do not agree on the adjustment of the remuneration, the author or performer should be entitled to bring a claim before a court or other competent authority.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 736 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 11
1.Member States shall provide publishers of press publications with the rights provided for in Article 2 and Article 3(2) of Directive 2001/29/EC for the digital use of their press publications. 2.The rights referred to in paragraph 1 shall leave intact and shall in no way affect any rights provided for in Union law to authors and other rightholders, in respect of the works and other subject- matter incorporated in a press publication. Such rights may not be invoked against those authors and other rightholders and, in particular, may not deprive them of their right to exploit their works and other subject-matter independently from the press publication in which they are incorporated. 3.Articles 5 to 8 of Directive 2001/29/EC and Directive 2012/28/EU shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the rights referred to in paragraph 1. 4.The rights referred to in paragraph 1 shall expire 20 years after the publication of the press publication. This term shall be calculated from the first day of January of the year following the date of publication.Article 11 deleted Protection of press publications concerning digital uses
Committee: JURI
Amendment 891 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 14 – paragraph 1
1. Member States shall ensure that authors and performers receive on a regular basis and taking into account the specificities of each sector, timely, adequate, accurate and sufficient information on the exploitation of their works and performances from those to whom they have licensed or transferred their rights, notably as regards modes of exploitation and promotion, revenues generated and remuneration due.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 904 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 14 – paragraph 2
2. The obligation in paragraph 1 shall be proportionate and effective and shall ensure an appropriate level of transparency in every sectorensure a high degree of transparency in every sector, as well as authors' right to audit. However, in those cases where the administrative burden resulting from the obligation would be disproportionate in view of the revenues generated by the exploitation of the work or performance, Member States may adjust the obligation in paragraph 1, only if the level of disproportionality could be justified, and provided that the obligation remains effective and ensures an appropriate level of transparency.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 912 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 14 – paragraph 3
3. Member States may decide that the obligation in paragraph 1 does not apply when the contribution of the author or performer is not significant having regard to the overall work or performance.deleted
Committee: JURI
Amendment 951 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Member states shall ensure that authors and performers or their representative organisations are entitled to claim additional, appropriate remuneration from the party with whom they entered into a contract for the exploitation of the rights when the remuneration originally agreed is disproportionately low compared to subsequent revenues and benefits derived from the exploitation of the works or performances.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 958 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 1 b (new)
Member States shall provide authors with reversion right to enable them to terminate a contract in case of insufficient exploitation and promotion, payment of the remuneration foreseen and also in case of insufficient reporting.
Committee: JURI