34 Amendments of Philippe LAMBERTS related to 2010/2099(INI)

Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A a (new)
A a. whereas it is crucial to go beyond the temporary measures aiming at stabilizing the euro area,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)
B a. whereas the current economic crisis in the EU is a solvency crisis that initially manifested itself as a liquidity crisis which cannot be resolved in the long term by simply pouring new debt into highly indebted countries in combination with accelerated plans for fiscal consolidation,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C a (new)
C a. whereas the objective to regain a balance of public finances is a necessity for over-indebted states, but it will not solve alone the problem of economic imbalances between countries of the Euro zone and more broadly of the EU,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
D. whereas labour, knowledge and innovations have a tendency to migrate to certain regions, and EU financial solidarity mechanisms need to be further developed focusing, in particular, on research and development and education, education and a green and low carbon economy,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital E
E. whereas economic growth is a precondition for economic and social stabilitwellbeing goes hand in hand with social stability and a sustainable economy,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
G. whereas competitiveness divergences and current-account imbalances within the euro area and more broadly the EU increased steadily during the pre- crisis years and have largely persisted throughout the crisis,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital M
M. whereas coherence between short, medium and long-term public investments needs to be strengthened and whereas those investments, in particular regarding infrastructure, need to be used efficiently and allocated to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, in particular regarding research and development, innovation and education in order to increase sustainability, ressource efficiency, competitiveness and enhance productivity,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – introductory part
Recommendation 1 : Establishing a coherent and transparent framework for multilateral surveillance of macro- economic developments in the Union and in the Member States and strengthening fiscal surveillance
Committee: ECON
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
The legislative act should take the form of regulation(s) on multilateral surveillance of economic policies and developments based on Article 121(6) amending Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 on the preventive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact and complementing it with a new regulation aiming at establishing a rule-based and transparent surveillance framework for both excessive macroeconomic imbalances, spill-over effects and competitiveness developments:
Committee: ECON
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 2
– Establish an enhanced analytical surveillance framework (including a scoreboard with specific trigger values for early warning) with appropriate methodological tools and transparency for an effective multilateral surveillance based on key economic indicators (real and nominal), which may affect competitiveness positions, including, but not limited to, growth rate, composition of the national GDP, employment rate, real exchange rate developments, labour cost developments, current account/balance of payments developments, credit growth, capital formation and inflows, productivity developments, and asset markets (including private debt and property markets) developments, , including, but not limited to, developments in current account balance of payments, net foreign asset positions, evolution of the tax basis, effective real exchange rates, inflows, productivity (including resource productivity and total factor productivity), unit labour costs, quantitative and qualitative indicators related to levels of employment and social cohesion, environmental externalities indicators, as well as credit growth and asset prices developments (including financial assets and property markets). Alert thresholds should be defined for indicators included in the scoreboard
Committee: ECON
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 3
– Following in-depth joint and bmultilateral surveillance based on the scoreboard referred to above in accordance with the Integrated Guidelines, Member States should decide on national policies in a coordinated manner taking into account the Union dimension of their national policiand annual public recommendations released by the Commission, Member States should decide on national policies aiming at tackling (preventing and correcting) macroeconomic imbalances in a coordinated manner and in consistency with the Integrated Policy Guidelines taking properly into account the Union dimension of their national policies and therefore spill-over effects as well as resilience to external shocks. All Member States should aim at making progress, but those with larger gaps should generally contribute more towards reducing imbalances,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 3 a (new)
– In accordance with the principle of joint but differentiated rebalancing paths it should be to the benefit of all Member States to allow some of them to postpone a full-speed fiscal consolidation if the resulting relative growth effect is positive for the sum. As it has been acknowledged by the Commission in its annual report 2010 on public finances of the EMU and the Eurogroup conclusions before the Spring European Council Summit 2010, such a joint decision and coordination process would require countries with current account surpluses to stimulate employment and internal demand inter alia by increasing investment for a sustainable and innovative economy, while countries with current account deficits would adopt specific measures intending to rebalance public budgets and current accounts deficits taking proper consideration of the need to preserve social protection and cohesion.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 4
– Establish common rules for a more active use of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines as a key tool for economic guidance, surveillance and Member State- specific recommendations in line with the EU 2020 strategy, focusing on growth, structural reforms, productivity and competitiveness, while taking into consideration the convergences and divergences between Members States, strengthening the relative competitive advantages of Member States,with the aim to strengthening the resilience of the economy to external shocks and the positive impact that Member States' decisions may have on other Member States,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 5
– Establish procedures in order to be able to give policy advice at an early stage and to support the use of policy warning in accordance with Article 121(4) TFEUallow the Commission to issue early warnings and give policy advice at an early stage directly to Member States,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 5 a (new)
– In cases where there is a persistent and aggravating macroeconomic imbalance a transparent and objective procedure should allow to place a Member State into an “excessive imbalance position” triggering stricter surveillance and corrective measures,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 7
– Establish a "Union Semester" for dealing with the Integrated Guidelines at national and Union-level, which would enable a real and timely contribution by all parties concerned, include consultation with the Union level social partners through strengthening the macro-economic social dialogue,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 8
– Harmonise the main assumption and indicators used in the underlying forecasts used for preparing national SCPs and NRPs. A three tier approach basis (as it is the case for stress test on financial institutions) encompassing a negative, a baseline and a favourable macroeconomic scenario would also be a prudent approach in a highly uncertain and interconnected international economic landscape,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 12
– Introduce a strong involvement of national parliaments and social partners before formal presentation of the SCPs and NRPs at Union level in an agreed time- frame,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 1 – paragraph 1 – indent 16
– Establish specific procedures and a requirement for Member States to inform each other and the Commission before taking economic policy decisions with expected tangible spill-over effects, which may distortjeopardise the smooth functioning of the internal market and of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU),
Committee: ECON
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 2 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
The legislative act to be adopted (on the basis of, inter alia, Article 126 TFEU) should aim in particular to strengthen the preventive arm of the SGP and include economically and politically more sensible sanctions, while taking due account of the structure of the budget and the nature of the national public expenditure needed for growth enhancing structural reforms, the bussiness cycle and therefore need of policy space for implementing counter-cyclical budgetary measures, as well as the nature of the national public expenditure needed for growth enhancing structural reforms. All Member States should aim at making progress, but those with larger gaps should generally contribute more towards meeting targets of debt stock and deficits :
Committee: ECON
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 2 – paragraph 1 – indent 1 a (new)
– The European Commission should consult the European and relevant national social partners before issuing its final conclusions on the EDP/EDSP and take their points of view into account.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 2 – paragraph 1 – indent 4
– Establish a monitoring mechanism including possible warnings and incremental sanctions for Member States that have not reached their MTFO or are not approaching it at the agreed pace as well as incentives for countries that have reached their MTFO faster than expected,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 2 – paragraph 1 – indent 8
– Enforce and implement such a sanctionings and incentives (carrots and sticks) mechanism for euro area Member States as part of the new multilateral surveillance framework and the new instruments of the SGP, in particular the enhanced role of the MTFO,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 2 – paragraph 1 – indent 9
– Make the necessary changes to the Commission's internal decision-making procedure in order to guarantee an efficient a rapid implementation of those semi- automatic preventive penalties and incentives.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 184 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 1
– Establish a euro-area-specific framework for reinforced monitoring focusing on excessive macro-economic divergences, price competitiveness, real exchange rates, credit growth and current account developments of the Member States concerned. With this purpose to establish a differentiated scoreboard for euro-area Member States including specific alert thresholds in particular in what concerns the analysis of real effective exchange rates developments, as well as specific enforcement mechanisms (sanctions and incentives) aiming at addressing excessive macroeconomic imbalances,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 3 – paragraph 1 – indent 2
– Increase the importance of the annual euro area surveillance reports based on quarterly thematic multi-country reports focusing in particular on potential spill- over effects from global economic developments and from policies and circumstances having a particular impact on certain Member States in the euro area. In this framework explicitly identify macroeconomic policies that could generate positive spill-over effects helping certain EU Member States to reduce high current account deficits as the levels of internal trade within the EU and the eurozone are high and strongly correlated,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 209 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 5 – introductory part
Recommendation 5 : Review the EU budgetary, financial and fiscaltax policy instruments:
Committee: ECON
Amendment 210 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
The legislative act/feasibility study to be adopted within twelve months aiming to:
Committee: ECON
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 5 – paragraph 1 – indent 1
Produce aRelease a legislative proposal in order to implement a Eurobond for European relevant projects and produce a comprehensive feasibility assessment (the naturedifferent options, risks and advantages) within eight months of establishing a system infor the long run for the issuance of common government bondsissuance of eurobonds for sovereign debt financing in line with agreed joint paths for macroeconomic rebalancing, while avoiding moral hazard, creating a deeper market and generating positive externalities by increasing liquidity,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 225 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 5 – paragraph 1 – indent 3 a (new)
– To enhance the coordination and articulation between Member States budgets and the EU budget as a counter- cyclical complement for a sustainable fiscal consolidation as well as create incentives such as modulating co- financing rates or introducing a performance Union reserve to reward sound fiscal policies. An enhanced coordination and articulation between EU and Member States budgets as a counter- cyclical complement for a sustainable fiscal consolidation and therefore as a proper means for avoinding a reduction of sustainable investments while consolidating fiscal accounts) could be targeted in order to reduce the dependence of fossil energy imports through substantial investment programs in the field of energy production, resource efficiency and in particular in the field of renewable energies. These programs would not only guarantee a long term return on investment but would also help to correct current account deficits as long as all highly indebted EU countries -and more broadly most EU Member States- are net importers of fossil sources of energy,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 5 – paragraph 1 – indent 4
– Establish a clear framework for a renewed joint effort of the EU budgetary funds and EIB financial resources, to further leverage in next Multiannual Financial Framework the budgetary funds by means of EIB's expertise in financial engineering, commitment to EU policies and pivotal role among public and private sector financial institutions, and to enhance the counter-cyclical dimension of Cohesion funds and programs financed by the EIB,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 5 – paragraph 1 – indent 5
EGiven that tax cooperation is a cornerstone of economic governance, establish a high-level tax policy group chaired by the Commission with a mandate to work for a strategic and pragmatic approach to tax policy issues in the Union, while paying particular attention to combating tax fraud, reinvigorated the code of conduct on business taxation and facilitatingwhile making more extensive use of state aid procedures against unfair tax competition, adopting the savings tax directive enlarged in scope and with automatic information exchange as the general rule, broaden and deepen environmental taxation, facilitate the adoption of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base while working towards minimum tax rates, and growth- enhancing tax reforms as well as introducing a financial trasaction tax at the EU level.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 6 – paragraph 1 – indent 1
– Assess the possible revision of the capital requirements for credit institutions in order better to differentiate between capital ratios applied to sovereign debt issues by a Member State.deleted
Committee: ECON
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex 1 – heading 6 – paragraph 1 – indent 1 a (new)
– Assess on a regular basis asset prices developments and credit growth in Member States and their impact on financial stability and current account developments as well as real effective exchange rates of Member States,
Committee: ECON