Activities of Franziska Katharina BRANTNER related to 2010/2299(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Main aspects of the common foreign and security policy and the common security and defence policy - Situation in Syria and in Camp Ashraf - Report: Albertini - Annual report from the Council to Parliament on the main aspects of CFSP in 2009 - Report: Gualtieri - Development of CSDP following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty - Report: Muñiz De Urquiza - The EU as a global actor: its role in multilateral organisations (debate)
Dossiers: 2010/2299(INI)

Amendments (1)

Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Deplores the fact that the provisional organisation chart of the EEAS does not include the ‘appropriate structure’ which, under the Madrid accords, is to integrate the various units dealing with crisis response planning and programming, conflict prevention, and peace-building with the CSDP structures; calls first for a crisis management board to be set up, to be staffcomposed byof the CMPD, the CCPC, the EUMS, the EU SITCEN, the peace- building, conflict prevention, mediation, and security policy units, the Chair of the PSC, the geographical desks and other policy departments concerned, according to the circumstances, and the Commission humanitarian aid and civil protection structures, placed under the authority of the HR and the executive Secretary- Generalplaced under the authority of the VP/HR and the executive Secretary-General, and the Commission humanitarian aid and civil protection structures according to the circumstances, and coordinated by the Managing Director for Crisis Response; calls on the High RepresentativeVP/HR and the Commission to equip the board with an efficient alert and emergency system and a large unified operations room, located within the EEAS, so as to enable surveillance to be carried out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, hence avoiding the present operational overlapping (seven operations rooms), which hardly squares with the need for a proper surveillance and rapid reaction system to deal with crises; calls for regular coordination and exchange to be ensured between this system and the European Emergency Response Centre currently being developed by the Commission to guarantee appropriate synergies while respecting each other specific mandates; secondly calls for a permanent working structure among the above mentioned actors beyond acute crisis management in order to develop common approaches, such as in the area of rule of law or security sector reform; thirdly calls in the midterm on a review of the current setting in order to establish truly integrated strategic planning and conceptual development in the field of crisis management and peace building for the external action service;
Committee: AFET