3 Amendments of Morten MESSERSCHMIDT related to 2015/2063(INI)

Amendment 402 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
Stresses that it is vital to engage in dialogue with the various religious communities in order to help reach a better understanding of the phenomenon of radicalisation; draws the Member States’ attention to the issue of training religious leaders in order to prevent preachers of hate from appearing in places of worship in Europe, and also of training prison chaplains, particularly when they are around prisoners deemed to be radicalised; proposes to make the establishment of places of religious worship subject to the formal signature of a republican charter which would confirm in particular respect for gender equality, the absolute primacy of the rule of law in the public domain, the obligation to preach only in the language of the host country, freedom of religion including the freedom to change religion and the prohibition of foreign funding.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 538 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
26. Reiterates its belief that the European Union must step up its external and internal border controls as a matter of urgency; stresses that it will be impossible to effectively track the departures or arrivals of European citizens unless mandatory and systematic controls are introduced on the European Union’s external borders; states that, to this end, one of the European Union’s priorities must be reforming the Schengen Code; as a priority, this reform should enable Member States, in the event of a threat to internal security, to re-establish fixed controls at national borders, in a rigorous, flexible, random and non- systematic manner, not interfering with people's movements but exercising a significant dissuasive effect on illegal immigrants, terrorists, traffickers and other criminal networks;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 660 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 36 a (new)
36a. Invites Member States to decide to introduce an embargo, particularly on energy supplies, on all areas controlled by 'Islamic State' and to take a similar initiative in the United Nations;
Committee: LIBE