2 Amendments of Morten MESSERSCHMIDT related to 2016/2055(INI)

Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Regrets that not all EU institutionObserves that while the nine EU institutions and bodies concerned by the Ombudsman’s inquiry from 24th July 2014 - the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors, the European External Action Service, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, and the European Data Protection Supervisor - have introduced whistleblowing framework, regrets that a large number of EU Agencies and bodies have not adopted the rulesequivalent rules that fully comply with the legal requirements of the new Staff Regulation;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Calls on the Commission to address the Ombudsman’s request and to encourage all EU institutions and bodies to adopt internal rules on whistle-blowing.own initiative inquiry opened on the 24th of July 2014 in order to comply with article 22 c of the new Staff regulation, by recommending all the EU bodies to adopt ethical alert mechanisms and whistle-blowing legal framework directly based on the internal rules of the Ombudsman’s office ;
Committee: AFCO