1 Amendments of Zigmantas BALČYTIS related to 2010/0395(COD)

Amendment 223 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2
(2) Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 laid down the budgetary principles and financial rules, governing the establishment and implementation of the general budget, ensuring sound and effective management, control and protection of the financial interests of the Union, as well as increasing transparency, to be respected in all legislative acts and by all institutions. The fundamental principles, the concept and the structure of that Regulation and the basic rules of budgetary and financial management need to be maintained. Derogations to those fundamental principles should be reviewed and simplified as far as possible, taking into account their continuing relevance, their added-value for the annual budget of the Union (hereinafter the ‘budget’), and the burden they impose on stakeholders. It is necessary to maintain and strengthen the key elements of the financial reform: the role of the financial actors, the integration of controls in operational services, the internal auditors, the Activity Based Budgeting, the modernisation of accounting principles and rules and the basic principles for grants.
Committee: BUDG