11 Amendments of Carl HAGLUND related to 2011/0195(COD)
Amendment 1 #
Draft legislative resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Recalls its resolution of 8 June 2011 on Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe1; reiterates that, regardless of realisable savings and reallocations, sufficient additional resources are needed in the next MFF to enable the Union to fulfil its existing policy priorities and the new tasks provided for by the Treaty of Lisbon, as well as to respond to unforeseen events; challenges the Council, if it does not share this approach, to clearly identify which of its political priorities or projects could be dropped altogether, despite their proven European added value; ______________ 1 Texts adopted, P7_TA(2011)0266.
Amendment 1180 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 9 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Part 3 – article 9 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Until such time as agreement is reached between the Council and the Parliament on the procedure for determining the content and application of multiannual plans no increase in fishing opportunities for the fisheries concerned shall be permitted from the date that the Commission has adopted proposals for a multiannual plan until the date of its adoption.
Amendment 1617 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 16 – paragraph 3
Part 3 – article 16 – paragraph 3
3. Fishing opportunities shall not exceed the level specified in the scientific advice and shall comply with quantifiable targets, time frames and margins established in multiannual plans in accordance with Article 9(2) and 11(b), (c) and (h).
Amendment 1655 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 3 – article 17 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new)
Part 3 – article 17 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new)
(aa) are compatible with the principles of good governance set out in Article 4;
Amendment 1993 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 4 – article 31 – paragraph 3 c (new)
Part 4 – article 31 – paragraph 3 c (new)
3 c. Member States shall ensure that all information regarding the requirements, the allocation and the holding of fishing concessions is made publicly available.
Amendment 2083 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 5 – article 36 – paragraph 1
Part 5 – article 36 – paragraph 1
1. Member States shall record and publish the information on characteristics anvessel and gear characteristics, ownership and spatial and time-related activity ofor Union fishing vessels flying their flag that is necessary for the management of measures established under this Regulation.
Amendment 2128 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 6 – article 37 – paragraph 2 a (new)
Part 6 – article 37 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2 a. Member States shall annually submit to the Commission a summary report listing the fisheries for which it is required to collect data and indicating in each case and category whether the requirement has been met. The summary report shall be made publicly available.
Amendment 2410 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 10 – article 46 – paragraph 2 – point e
Part 10 – article 46 – paragraph 2 – point e
(e) the establishment of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions., including the freezing of funds from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF);
Amendment 2435 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 11 – article 49 – paragraph 1
Part 11 – article 49 – paragraph 1
Union financial assistance mashall only be granted to contribute to the achievement ofmeasures, actions and initiatives in compliance with the objectives set out in Articles 2 and 3.
Amendment 2438 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 11 – article 50 – paragraph 1
Part 11 – article 50 – paragraph 1
1. Union financial assistance towards Member States shall be transparent and conditional upon compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy by Member States.
Amendment 2446 #
Proposal for a regulation
Part 11 – article 51 – paragraph 1
Part 11 – article 51 – paragraph 1
1. Union financial assistance towards operators, vessel owners and fishermen shall be conditional upon compliance with the rules and objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy by operators.