2 Amendments of Juozas IMBRASAS related to 2011/2011(INI)

Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Is convinced that in order to target global trade imbalances multilateral rules are urgently needed with regard to exchange rate setting, the role of reserve currencies, and the limitation of excessive capital flows, including forms of capital control, and excessive price volatilities, including forms of supply-side management for particularly important products; supports the establishment of a world trade system which, in the event of one national government’s economic policy causing a global imbalance, would encourage the other countries to take joint measures to address the problem;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Calls on the EU to take the lead in implementing G8/G20 summits' declarations, in particular with regard to tackling fossil fuels subsidies, undue links between public support and agriculture in OECD agricultural and trade policies, and the instability and price volatility in food and commodities markets; considers that the global economy needs to be reorientated towards consistent, sustainable growth, that additional measures – including a cap on bankers’ earnings – are required to restore confidence in the world banking system, and that a global agreement must be reached on supporting world economic recovery.
Committee: INTA