2 Amendments of Rolandas PAKSAS related to 2010/0370(COD)

Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
(4) In order to achieve the objectives of the scheme promoting the smaller Aegean islands more effectively, the support programme must include measures which ensure the supply of agricultural products and the preservation and development of local agricultural production. The level of programming needs to be harmonised and the policy of partnership between the Commission and the Member State needs to become systematic. The Commission must contribute to drawing up aid programmes through the exchange of good practices and by establishing harmonised framework indicators to monitor the implementation of the programmes.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 8
(8) In order to achieve the goal of lowering prices in the smaller Aegean islands and mitigating the additional costs of their remoteness and insularity while maintaining the competitiveness of EU products, aid should be granted for the supply of EU products to the smaller Aegean islands. Such aid should take account of the additional cost of transport to the smaller Aegean islands, prices for exports to third countries and, in the case of agricultural inputs and products intended for processing, the additional costs of insularity and small size.
Committee: AGRI