4 Amendments of Pascal CANFIN related to 2022/2146(INI)
Amendment 194 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Takes note ofWelcomes the two-pillar solution reached at the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on the allocation of taxing rights and the application of a minimum effective tax rate of 15 % on the global profits of MNEs; expresses its concern at the delays in the international process agreeing on Pillar One; recalls the implementation of this pillar is key to the introduction of a new own resource based on a share of the residual profits of the largest and most profitable MNEs that are reallocated to Member States under the agreement;
Amendment 207 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
Paragraph 13
13. Observes that, in addition to coping with a volatile business environment and an increasing number of EU tax directives, companies are focusing their financial and human resources on applying the Pillar Two rules; calls on the Commission to give companies breathing spaceadequate means and enough time to prepare for the possible new BEFIT rules;
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
Paragraph 16
16. Welcomes the Commission’s plan to work on a BEFIT proposal, expected in the third quarter of 2023, with a view to designing a new and single EU corporate tax rulebook, based on a fair, comprehensive and effective formulary apportionment and a common tax base of income taxation for businesses, which will provide clarity and predictability for companies; further welcomes the fact that the Commission considers the potential introduction of a new own resource based on BEFIT framework once adopted, in accordance with the Interinstitutional Agreement of 16 December 2020 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management, as well as on new own resources, including a roadmap towards the introduction of new own resources (IIA)1a; _________________ 1a OJ L 433 I, 22.12.2020, p. 28.
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Takes note ofWelcomes the BEFIT objectives, as addressed in the Commission’s call for evidence for an impact assessment, to increase businesses’ resilience by reducing the complexity of tax rules and the compliance costs faced by EU businesses with cross-border operations, to remove obstacles to cross- border investment and make the single market a more attractive location for international investment, to create an environment conducive to fair and sustainable growth by paving the way for administrative simplification, and to provide sustainable tax revenue, which is particularly important in the current challenging economic climate;