11 Amendments of Andrea ČEŠKOVÁ related to 2013/2196(DEC)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Subtitle and paragraph 1 a (new)
- Added value of Parliament's discharge procedure 1a. Highlights the added value of the parliamentary procedure leading up to the annual Parliament discharge; 1b. Points out that this resolution remains principally focussed on the budget implementation and discharge for the financial year 2012 and that its main goal is to ensure that taxpayers' public money is used in the best possible way while highlighting where improvements can be made; encourages the Parliament's responsible bodies to continue to improve, at all possible levels, efficiency in Parliament's daily work; 1c. Repeats its call on the Bureau to distribute more 'White Papers' regarding the policy matters to all Members which would allow for the policy items to be discussed within the political groups in advance to a final decision;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Notes that Parliament decided to conduct an end-of-year "mopping-up" transfer from various budget lines amounting to EUR 45 000 000 in unspent funds intended for the second instalment of the acquisition of the Trebel building in Brussels (EUR 35 000 000) and the construction of the new KAD building in Luxembourg; understands that as a result of this, an estimated EUR 10,4 million in financing charges will be saved over the construction and loan amortisation periods; notdeplores, nevertheless, that Parliament has repeatedly requested that in the interests of budgetary clarity, buildings expenditure be entered in the budget rather than being financed through a "mopping- up" transfer;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Recommends that authorising officers improve the design, coordination and performance of Parliament's procurement framework and procedures through appropriate checks and bettclearer guidance; notes that the implementation of the new Financial Regulation and its Rules of Application should be accompanied by the design of new templates of contracts and invitations to tender, as well as the development of specific training courses on how to define and apply selection and award criteria;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
34. Notes the Secretary-General’s reply indicating that the cost for the LUX prize was reduced, as proposed by the Committee on Budgetary Control and voted in plenary in the 2010 discharge report, and that a series of concrete measures have been taken in order to minimise the LUX Prize expenditure, in particular cutting costs related to promotional activities at international festivals and within Parliament premises; takes note that the expenditure of LUX Prize in 2012 was EUR 434 421, which represents a reduction of 24 % as compared to 2011 (EUR 573722); calls for further efficiencies to be found;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34 c (new)
34c. Welcomes the significant reduction in expenditure on the LUX Prize; feels, nonetheless, that it is not the role of Parliament – as a public body – to judge the artistic value of films; insists that the LUX Prize should not be awarded in the years to come;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34 d (new)
34d. Expects Parliament to reduce expenditure on promotion, travelling and events in Member States associated with awarding prizes;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 35 a (new)
35a. Expects Parliament to adopt temporary measures to deal with the current problem of congestion in canteens;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 42 a (new)
42a. Notes that the issue of determining the seat of an institution or body is the exclusive competence of the Member States; notes, however, that significant savings could be achieved by using the offices in Strasbourg in a more effective and logical manner;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 42 b (new)
42b. Notes that there is a growing number of people who need to be provided with office space; urges Parliament, therefore, to consider whether it could move some of its departments from Brussels to Strasbourg permanently; calls on Parliament, in this connection, to consider holding all of its part-sessions in Brussels; feels that this could achieve significant reductions in travel expenditure and result in the offices in Strasbourg being used in a more effective and logical manner;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 60 a (new)
60a. Suggests that the current buildings strategy be urgently re-examined, with a view to halting expansion;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 60 b (new)
60b. Notes the opening in April 2010 of the EP Liaison Office (EPLO) in Washington; calls for a review of its structure, activities and costs to be presented to the Bureau with copies to the relevant competent committees;
Committee: CONT