1 Amendments of Wim van de CAMP related to 2017/0237(COD)

Amendment 334 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 6
6. Where a passenger receives separate tickets for a single journey comprising successive railway services operated by one or more railway undertakings, his rights to information, assistance, care and compensation shall be equivalent to those undere must be considered as having as many contracts of transport as through-ticket and cover the whole journey from the departure to the final destination, unless the passickets, if he was informed of such fact, through the applicable genger is explicitly informed otherwise in writing. Such information shall in particular state that when the passenger misses a connection, he or she would not be entitled to assistance or compensation basedal conditions of transport or any other adequate means as chosen by the carrier, and if he was made aware by the carrier or by the ticket vendor or the tour operator on behalf onf the total length of the journey. The burden of proof that the information was provided shall lie with the railway undertaking, its agent, tour operator or ticket vendorcarrier, of the concrete consequences regarding his rights to information, assistance and compensation in case of a delay.
Committee: TRAN