11 Amendments of Peter JAHR related to 2020/2273(INI)
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Recalls that agricultural productivity and resilience depend on biodiversity to guarantee the long-term sustainability of our food systems; underlines, furthermore, that much of the biodiversity across Europe has been created by farming and its survival is dependent on the continued active management of farmland and effective generational renewal in the sector; there is therefore a need to continue to promote the sustainable use of forest and agriculture ecosystems (taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects), in Europe and in the rest of the world;
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Welcomes the high level of ambition of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 in seeking to halt and reverse biodiversity loss in the EU; considers that this level of ambition encourages policy action at all levels is needed and promotes the development of research and innovative and implementable solutions to tackle biodiversity loss; stresses that the continuous decline in farmland biodiversity is a reality and that bold action is needed to counteract this trendnot only by rural areas but also urban areas and other economic and social sectors to counteract this trend while ensuring healthy, safe and affordable food security;
Amendment 79 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Emphasises the strong link with the Farm to Fork strategy and the need for a holistic approach to the food system; calls on the Commission to establish an comprehensive evidence-based evaluation of the implementation of the strategy’slooking at all measures and targets combined and not in their singularity, in particular of the individual and cumulative impacts on the social and economic sustainability of agriculture and forestry in the EU, food security and prices, farmland availability and prices and the potential risks of displacing biodiversity losses abroad by the replacement of local agricultural and forestry production with imports;
Amendment 115 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Considers that biodiversity conservation is a key societal goal, requiring a broad and inclusive debate, and the effective participation of everyone in society, in particular those more affected by the measures, such as the farming and forestry community, while at the same benefiting from their knowledge and experience, and creating a sense of ownership, vital for the successful implementation of the strategy;
Amendment 121 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Highlights the success of the Habitats Directive as an effective instrument for the conservation of biodiversity; stresses the need for more flexibility in protection measures to effectively protect humans and livestock if predators pose a danger and to the changes in conservation status;
Amendment 124 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 b (new)
Paragraph 4 b (new)
Amendment 164 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Highlights the importance of maintaining and restoring high-diversity landscape features in agricultural landscapes for their value in terms of biodiversity, pollinators and the natural biological control of pests; highlights that agriculture and forestry do not contradict the conservation objectives of strict protection; calls on the Member States to develop the necessary measures under their CAP Strategic Plans to promote non- productive areas and features with the aim of achieving an area of at least 10% of high diversity areas beneficial for biodiversity at national level, promoting interconnectivity between habitats and thereby maximising the potential for biodiversity; highlights the need to assess potential trade-offs of non-productive areas and features on food security, land availability and prices;
Amendment 203 #
7. Welcomes the recognition of organic farming as a strong component on the EU’s path towards more sustainable food systems; underlines that the development of organic food production must be market-driven and accompanied by research, innovation and scientific transfer, market and supply chain development, and measures stimulating demand for organic food, ensuring both the stability of the organic products market and the fair remuneration of farmers;
Amendment 212 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7a. Proposes to introduce a market- driven organic target corridor rather than a fix target after thorough and comprehensive impact assessment;
Amendment 227 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Underlines the importance of sustainable forest management for the health and longevity of forest ecosystems and the preservation of the multifunctional role of forests; highlights the potential of agroforestry to improve and boost ecosystem services and farmland biodiversity and for carbon sequestration, while enhancing farm productivity; notes that forest can only achieve their full potential for climate and environment when they are sustainably managed, stresses therefore the need to exclude forestry from the 10% strictly protected areas;
Amendment 274 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Stresses the importance of plant protection products and tools for the stability of agricultural production and, the sustainability of farmers’ incomes and food safety; considers that, although progress has been made, a substantial reduction in the use and risks of chemical pesticides is needed; stresses the key role of integrated pest management in reducing pesticide dependency, and urges the Member States to ensure it is applied and its implementation is assessed systematically; stresses that farmers need a bigger toolbox ofintegrated pest management requires a bigger toolbox of safe, effective and affordable crop protection solutions and methods, as well as bolstered training and advisory systems; stresses that any reduction target should be market-driven and suggests target corridors rather than fixed targets;