1 Amendments of Lena KOLARSKA-BOBIŃSKA related to 2013/2092(INI)

Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Recognises the successes which the ESA has achieved for Europe in the field of space travel in recent decades; welcomes Poland's accession to the ESA in September 2012, becoming its 20th member, and encourages the remaining non-ESA Member States to consider accession and increased cooperation; observes, however, that, in the long term, greater operational efficiency and political coordination and responsibility can only be achieved by bringing the ESA closer to the EU; calls on the Commission to investigate very carefully whether the ESA could for example in future be linked to the Union's governance structures as an inter-State organisation, while it is not felt to be appropriate to convert the ESA into a European agency;
Committee: ITRE