6 Amendments of Monica MACOVEI related to 2012/2200(DEC)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1 a. Takes note that Frontex’s final budget amounted EUR 118 200 000 for the financial year 2011 with an Union contribution representing EUR 111 000 000; acknowledges that Frontex’s budget was the subject to three amending budgets which purpose was threefold: - to introduce the budget item ‘Eurosur’ under Title 3, - to increase Frontex’s budget by EUR 12 700 000 as part of the emergency response package to the developments in Northern Africa, - to include a package of EUR 31 800 000 in commitment appropriations for the Emergency Response Package in the Mediterranean;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1 b. Observes that in terms of paid appropriations the Agency’s execution rate stands at 96% under Title 1 (Staff), 74% under Title 2 (Administrative) and 58% under Title 3 (Operations); calls on Frontex to implement specific measures to improve its budgeting process and execution rate of payment in the case of administrative and operational expenditure;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4 a. Welcomes the fact that in March 2011 Frontex successfully finalised the first Rapid Border Intervention Team Operation;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Acknowledges that the Agency's budget was subject to three amending budgets, the purposes of which were threefold: - to introduce the budget item 'Eurosur' under Title III (Operational Expenditure), - to increase the Agency's budget by EUR 12 700 000 as part of the emergency response package to developments in Northern Africa, - to include a package of EUR 31 800 000 in commitment appropriations for the Emergency Response Package in the Mediterranean;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Observes that in terms of paid appropriations the Agency's execution rate stands at 96% under Title I (Staff Expenditure), 74% under Title II (Administrative Expenditure) and 58% under Title III; calls on the Agency to implement specific measures to improve its budgeting process and execution rate of payment in the case of administrative and operational expenditure;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Notes that the Agency adopted and implemented ex-post control strategy in 2012 and carried out three on-the-spot- visits covering 9% of the EUR 73 million grant payments made in 2011; welcomes the fact that the error rate was found to be below 1 % and that six on- the-spot-visits are planned in 2013;
Committee: CONT