3 Amendments of Marco SCURRIA related to 2011/2088(INI)

Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. States that equality of opportunities in education for individuals of all backgrounds is vital in creating an equal fair society based on non-discrimination and merit;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Recognises the need for clear-cut policies to integrate students with sensory disabilities in ordinary schools and calls on the Member States to abandon policies for special separate education;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 171 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
25. Calls on employers, where possible, to recognise and support the right of young peopleencourage young workers who dohave not holgained higher secondary education qualifications to time off work to study and trainbecome qualified, by introducing in-house policies enabling staff to combine study with work;
Committee: CULT