5 Amendments of Ioan ENCIU related to 2010/2309(INI)

Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Is dissatisfied with the extremely limited impact on the legislative systems of the Member States of Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA on organised crime, which has not made any significant improvement to national laws or to operational cooperation to counter organised crime; stresses, therefore, the need to review and strengthen the European legislative framework and calls on the Commission to submit, by the end of 2012, a proposal for a directive which contains a less general definition of organised crime and, manages better to identify the key features of the phenomenon, and also takes account of new types of organised crime, such as rings exploiting economic migrants and computer crime; requests that, as regards the offence of membership of a criminal organisation, whilst showing due respect for different legislative systems, the abolition of the current dual approach (which criminalises both membership and conspiracy) be proposed and a range of habitual offences committed by organised crime be identified, which, regardless of the maximum sentence permitted in the Member States, could be deemed to constitute such a criminal offence;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a directive to make the offence of Mafia association a punishable crime in all Member States, in order to be able to punish criminal organisations which profit from their very existence, through their ability to intimidate – even without any specific acts of violence or threats – with the aim of securing the management or control, either directly or indirectly, of businesses, concessions, authorisations, contracts and public services, or of making, for themselves or others, unfair profits or gaining unjust advantages, or of preventing or impeding the free exercise of voting rights or securing votes for themselves or others in elections;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Intends to set up, within three months of the adoption of this resolution, a special committee on the dissemination of Mafia- style criminal organisations, both from Italy and elsewhere, which operate across borders; one of its aims will be to investigate the extent of the phenomenon and the negative social and economic impact it has throughout the EU, including the issue of the misappropriation of public funds by Mafia-style criminal organisations and their infiltration into politics and general government; another aim will be to identify a range of legislative measures in order to address this tangible and acknowledged threat to the EU and its citizens; calls, therefore, on the Conference of Presidents to put forward a proposal under Rule 184 of the Rules of Procedure;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Calls on the Commission to conduct a study to assess the negative impact of transnational organised crime in the European Union, primarily referring to Mafia-style organised crime and its links with criminal organisations from countries outside Europe, especially the Union’s immediate neighbours; stresses that effective action against organised crime must be a key criterion in agreements with third countries that involve the provision of financing or development aid from EU funds;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 205 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Is convinced of the intrinsic link between organised crime and corruption and emphatically reiterates the request it expressed when adopting Written Declaration 02/10, both with reference to the creation of a mechanism, of an objective and quantifiable nature, to assess and monitor the policies of the 27 Member States in combating corruption and with regard to the framing of a comprehensive anti-corruption policy by the EU institutions; stresses the need for a proactive approach to combating corruption and calls on the Commission to place emphasis on measures to counter political corruption, that of the civil service, the courts, the police and customs officers, in addition to private sector corruption; considers it, moreover, a priority to develop effective measures to combat corruption in the neighbourhood policy and in the use of development aid funds;
Committee: LIBE