4 Amendments of Nadja HIRSCH related to 2010/2013(INI)

Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls on the Member States and the Commission to focus their attention on the illiterate, whose numbers are still too high, and to take resolute action to tackle this problem – including where adults are concerned;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Draws attention to the importance of high-quality early childhood education for the early acquisition of key competences, including a child’s ability to communicate both in his or her mother tongue and in the language of the host country concerned, and in particular for supporting children from disadvantaged backgrounds and with special (learning) needs;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 a (new)
15a. Calls on the Member States to introduce new subject combinations and materials in schools providing general education so as to enable young people with one of the most frequent learning disorders – dyslexia – to complete their studies successfully, notwithstanding their learning disability;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Considers that higher education institutions should become more open to and prepared for non-traditional learners and disadvantaged groups and that one of the most useful means to that end would be well-funded grant systems whereby young people from poor families could be encouraged to embark on a course of study;
Committee: CULT