2 Amendments of Mario PIRILLO related to 2009/2096(INI)

Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Recognises the fact that road transport has brought down considerably its emissions of particulate matter (PM 10), acidifying substances and ozone precursors, but is still worried about its level of nitrogen oxides and of fine particulates (Term report 20081, fig. 5.1) . Is however particularly disappointed about its CO2 emissions, which in the period from 1990 - 2006 increased by 28 %, compared to a reduction of 3 % in the other sectors. Considers that the impact of black carbon (soot) particles on global warming should also be taken into account and that particle filtration should be recommended to eliminate that impact in order to at least partly compensate for the increase or insufficient reduction of CO2 emissions. Calls for freight traffic to be gradually transferred off the roads and onto rail.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Considers Research and Development (R&D) to be key factor in our search for a sustainable future for transport because only a radical technological switch can bring about the much-needed emission reductions and the transition to low carbon transport. Urges the Commission and the Member States to identify the drivers for and barriers to possible innovation resulting from R&D and to priorities investment in environmentally friendly infrastructure, for example smart grids for electric transport, natural gas/ biomethane from renewable energies and hydrogen distribution networks. Urges the Commission not to neglect the influence of in-vehicle technologies on driver behaviour as a potential contribution to the reduction of fuel consumption/CO2 emissions.
Committee: ENVI