132 Written questions of José Manuel FERNANDES
Implementation of the European Union Solidarity Fund
Contingency plan for the next MFF
Growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product in Portugal
State of play regarding RescEU following the Portuguese fires in 2017
Reviewing the concept of an SME
Brexit - Contingency financial support
Absence of Portugal from RescEU
Failure to implement national law transposing GDPR in Portugal
Suspension of tens of thousands of Facebook applications for abuse of citizens' data
Serious respiratory diseases associated with electronic cigarettes
Fair taxation of big tech firms
Amazon Fund
Harmonisation of the corporate income tax base between Member States
Common Demographic Policy
Drying-up of River Tagus and its tributaries
Drying-up of the River Tagus and its tributaries
Recycling plastic packaging
Application of the national law enacted to transpose Directive 120/2008/EC
Proposal to cut funding for the future Horizon Europe programme
Transition towards new arrangements for aid under the two pillars of the Common Agricultural Policy
Member States’ failure to comply with the Stability and Growth Pact
Member States possibly failing to comply with Stability and Growth Pact
European sovereignty in telecommunications
Removal of the third natural gas interconnector from the fourth list of projects of common interest
Deployment of 5G mobile networks and system security risks
Just Transition Mechanism
Proposal for a regulation establishing the Just Transition Fund
Risk and damage to European agriculture from the transmission of coronavirus by animals and animal products
Contingency plan (multiannual financial framework)
Expansion of the Lisbon Metro network
Suspension of the airline ‘TAP’ in Venezuela by the illegitimate government of Nicolas Maduro
State of implementation of Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare
Funds for scientific research into Covid-19
The impact of coronavirus on aviation and the rules governing slot allocation
Public complaints about dredging in the River Sado, in Setúbal
Funds for the expansion of sanitation and water distribution networks
Request for European Civil Protection Mechanism assistance to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
Aid for buying coronavirus test kits
Farming sector: Commission response to COVID-19
Diplomatic pressure from the People’s Republic of China on the European External Action Service
Rare diseases and employability
Decision by German Federal Constitutional Court on the European Central Bank’s public sector purchase programme
Plastic products in the environment
Clarification regarding advance payments and flexibility in the use of the Structural Funds as part of measures to combat the pandemic
EU pharmaceutical strategy – specific provisions on nanomedicines and nanosimilars
The use of toxic flame retardants and their effects on health, fire toxicity, the environment and the internal market
Escalation of violence and attacks by extremists in Mozambique
Worsening humanitarian and political situation in Venezuela
Financial rescue of TAP
Pact for ‘low density’ regions in the EU
Implications of CAP transition period for the Recovery Fund
Portugal’s railways
European Public Prosecutor's Office
Preventing corruption and promoting transparency in the context of recovery plan funds
5G tendering procedure in Portugal
Mandatory installation of contact tracing apps and personal data protection during pandemic
Extension of state aid temporary framework
Situation in northern Mozambique
Misuse of terms such as ‘leather’ and ‘hide’
Waste disposal in Portugal
Cost of relocating refining operations from Matosinhos and European funds to support the climate transition
ECA Review No 04/2020
Request by Cape Verde for a temporary derogation from the rules of preferential origin
Aggregation of local authorities in applications for EU funds
Situation in northern Mozambique, in particular the delegation led by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Mozambican authorities
Support for the wine sector
Revision of the Directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation
Incomplete transposition of anti-money-laundering directives by Portugal
Issue of SURE and Next Generation EU bonds on European stock exchanges
Legislation for hostels in Portugal
Negotiating and analysing the RRP
The risks to sports generated by the creation of the European Super League
National Recovery and Resilience Plans – taxation and conditionality
Loans under moratoria and associated risks in Europe
EU-OACPS partnership agreement on taxation
Compliance of SIFIDE II (Portugal) with competition rules
Establishment of a trust fund for Mozambique
Sale of dams from EDP to Engie
Discrimination of consumers in online trading
Diversion of Ryanair flight FR4978 – sanctions on Belarus
Diversion of Ryanair flight FR4978 – sanctions on Belarus
Reduction of health hazards and taxation of tobacco products
Handing over by Lisbon City Council of personal data of Russian activists to the Russian authorities
Handing over by Lisbon City Council of Russian activists’ personal data to the Russian authorities
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
The CAP strategic plan in Portugal
Rising agricultural production costs
Funding for ‘Ferrovia’ (Railways) 2020
Credit guarantees for the Efacec company
The Portuguese Court of Auditors’ audit report on the ‘Portugal 2020’ partnership agreement
Technical and financial support for the development of space activities in the Azores
Cereal supplies in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Management of EU funds for water and sanitation investments in Portugal – grants to private entities
Management of EU funds for water and sanitation investments in Portugal
Europe’s approach to wave energy – reactivation of the wave power plant on the Island of Pico, Azores
Increasing agricultural production in the EU
Forest fires – European aid
Investments in R&D for unmet needs and public-private partnerships
EU Civil Protection Mechanism (RescEU)
Humanitarian situation in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
The death of Mahsa Amini and subsequent protests in Iran
Processing waste from international flights arriving in the EU
Status of research on cancer comorbidities in EU research policies
The ERDF and small Portuguese municipalities under the Portugal 2030 partnership agreement
Reprivatisation of the company Efacec by the Portuguese State.
Compliance of Portuguese national law with the Crowdfunding Regulation
Compliance of SIFIDE II with EU competition law
Funding of the new Lisbon-Porto Iberian-gauge rail link
Recovery and Resilience Facility, NextGeneration EU: Compliance with milestones and goals
Recovery and Resilience Facility, NextGeneration EU: Compliance with milestones and goals
Compliance with milestones and goals: Recovery and Resilience Facility, NextGenerationEU
Compliance with milestones and goals: Recovery and Resilience Facility, NextGenerationEU
Recovery and Resilience Facility, NextGeneration EU: Compliance with milestones and goals
Emissions trading system agreement and the aviation sector | outermost regions
Underfinancing of the World Food Programme
Health warnings on wine labels
Ban on short-term local housing rentals in Portugal
Drought in Portugal
Discrimination in support fund for the public transport sector
Member States’ public debt exposure to central banks
Carbon dioxide emissions in 2022
Failure to comply with the Late Payment Directive and future revision of the directive
Extent of the shadow economy in Portugal
Nature Restoration Law increases risk of forest fires
EU support for small-scale fisheries on the path to climate neutrality
Delay to adoption of the recommendation on protection of taxpayers’ rights
Delayed launch of public service obligations for the Azores
Lack of a Portuguese member of the European Court of Auditors
Revision of the EU strategy on offshore renewable energy and action to meet ocean energy targets
New rules in Portugal on short-term local housing rentals
Implementation of the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan