Activities of David CAMPBELL BANNERMAN related to 2015/2274(INI)
Shadow opinions (1)
OPINION on EU strategy towards Iran after the nuclear agreement
Amendments (5)
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Expresses concern about the high levels of corruption and trade- circumventing sanctionsbureaucracy, which have lead to a grey economy; stresses, therefore, the need to fight corruption andfor increased transparency, and for a truly private sector to develop in Iran;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Emphasises that a potential renewal of trade ties between the EU Member States and Iran must go hand in hand with substantial improvements in respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Iran,; and that the EU must use its position as an economic bloc as leverageconsiders rapid evidence of improvements to human rights and fundamental freedoms to be of upmost importance for a renewal of commercial and investment ties to improve the living conditions and wellbeing of the Iranian people;
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Notes that some sectorsup to 70% of the Iranian economy are heavily controlled by the regimeis state controlled, potentially creating problems for EU Member State companies in Iran, and that increased trade could strengthen the economic, military and political power of certain unelected individuals, on the condition of evidence of improvements to human rights, could enhance of the role of the private sector;
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. RegretNotes that the American sanctions still in place restrict EU policy space, obstructing EU companies with US business activities doing business in Iran; calls on the US Government to provide legal certainty and predictability, including by granting waivers, and asks the Commissionimportantly some US sanctions are not affected by the nuclear deal and will remain in place, in particular sanctions related to human rights abuses, support for terrorism and testing of ballistic missiles, and asks EU Member States to increase dialogue and cooperation with the US;