2 Amendments of Maurice PONGA related to 2010/2095(INI)

Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Stresses the importance of the full implementation of the Small Business Act as a means of reducing the administrative burden and fostering the role of SMEs in the internal market; welcomes the establishment of a permanent SME Forum on access to financing opportunities and calls for an integrated strategy for SMEthat will genuinely make it easier for SMEs to obtain financing within the EU;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. NotEmphasises thate research and innovation is most effectively addressed at regional level inlevance of the regional level in addressing research and innovation, owing to the proximity of actors such as universities, public research organisations and industry, promoting partnership in knowledge transfer and the exchange of good practices between regions; in this regard, calls on the Commission to invest in innovation clusters and networks, through enhanced cooperation with the European Investment Bank and within the framework of a permanent industrial policy task force;
Committee: REGI