1 Amendments of Birgit SIPPEL related to 2020/0278(COD)

Amendment 788 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 7 a (new)
7 a. The Member States carrying out the screening procedure shall ensure that all personal data collected in the context of that procedure, in particular the personal data included in the debriefing form, is deleted as soon as: (i) a final decision has been taken on the application for international protection, including any and all levels of appeal;or (ii) a final decision has been taken in respect of the return procedure, including any and all levels of appeal;or (iii) a refusal of entry has been issued, including any and all levels of appeal;or (iv) the person has been granted entry into the Member State concerned under Article 6(5) of Regulation 2016/399 [Schengen Borders Code].
Committee: LIBE