14 Amendments of Birgit SIPPEL related to 2022/2051(INL)

Amendment 385 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
33. Proposes that Europol receive additional competences subject to parliamentary scrutiny; sSuggests that gender-based violence and environmental crime be added as areas of crime that meet the criteria of Article 83(1) TFEU (Union crimes); calls for the functioning of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to be governed by the OLP;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 385 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
33. Proposes that Europol receive additional competences subject to parliamentary scrutiny; sSuggests that gender-based violence and environmental crime be added as areas of crime that meet the criteria of Article 83(1) TFEU (Union crimes); calls for the functioning of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to be governed by the OLP;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 390 #

Paragraph 35
35. Proposes that the Union’s common immigration policy be strengthened by taking appropriate and necessary measures to ensure the prevention of illegal crossings and for the Union’s migration policy to take into account the economic and social stability of Member States, the availability of skilled labour to the single market, as well as the efficient management of migration, taking into account the fair treatment of third country nationals;deleted
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 390 #

Paragraph 35
35. Proposes that the Union’s common immigration policy be strengthened by taking appropriate and necessary measures to ensure the prevention of illegal crossings and for the Union’s migration policy to take into account the economic and social stability of Member States, the availability of skilled labour to the single market, as well as the efficient management of migration, taking into account the fair treatment of third country nationals;deleted
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 498 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 79 – paragraph 1
1. The Union shall develop a common immigration policy aimed at ensuring, at all stages, the efficient management of migration flows, fair treatment of third- country nationals residing legally in Member States, ands well as the prevention of, and enhanced measures to combat, illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 498 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 79 – paragraph 1
1. The Union shall develop a common immigration policy aimed at ensuring, at all stages, the efficient management of migration flows, fair treatment of third- country nationals residing legally in Member States, ands well as the prevention of, and enhanced measures to combat, illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 500 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 79 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a) the conditions of entry and residence, and standards on the issue by Member States of long-term visas by Member States and residence permits, including those for the purpose of family reunification;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 500 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 79 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a) the conditions of entry and residence, and standards on the issue by Member States of long-term visas by Member States and residence permits, including those for the purpose of family reunification;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 504 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 88 – paragraph 1
1. Europol's missionThe mission of Europol shall be to support and strengthen action by the Member States' police authorities and other law enforcement services and their mutual cooperation in preventing and combating serious crime affecting two or more Member States, terrorism and forms of crime which affect a common interest covered by a Union policy.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 504 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 88 – paragraph 1
1. Europol's missionThe mission of Europol shall be to support and strengthen action by the Member States' police authorities and other law enforcement services and their mutual cooperation in preventing and combating serious crime affecting two or more Member States, terrorism and forms of crime which affect a common interest covered by a Union policy.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 505 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution
(b) the coordination, organisation and implementation of investigative and operational action carried out jointly with the Member States' competent authorities of the Member States or in the context of joint investigative teams, where appropriate in liaison with Eurojust.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 505 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution
(b) the coordination, organisation and implementation of investigative and operational action carried out jointly with the Member States' competent authorities of the Member States or in the context of joint investigative teams, where appropriate in liaison with Eurojust.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 506 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 88 – paragraph 3
3. Any operational action by Europol must be carriedy out any operational action in liaison and in agreement with the authorities of the Member State or States whose territory is concerned. The application of coercive measures shall be the exclusive responsibility of the competent national authorities.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 506 #

Annex to the motion for a resolution Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Article 88 – paragraph 3
3. Any operational action by Europol must be carriedy out any operational action in liaison and in agreement with the authorities of the Member State or States whose territory is concerned. The application of coercive measures shall be the exclusive responsibility of the competent national authorities.
Committee: AFCO