18 Amendments of Gerben-Jan GERBRANDY related to 2010/2143(DEC)

Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Applauds especially the medium- and long-term property policy (buildings strategy) approved by the Bureau on 24 March 2010, which takes into account Parliament's increased responsibilities under the Treaty of Lisbon, the rules governing allocation of space, the need for accommodation of certain external staff and the need for maintenance/renovation of buildings; is of the opinion that an evaluation and rationalisation of the actual office space should be conducted before decisions are taken on the purchase of new buildings; calls further on the Secretary General to conduct negotiations with the Belgium authorities aimed at reducing the extra percentage (33%) to be paid if Parliament purchases "State" owned property;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Notes the two priority projects necessitating important new office surfaces to be found: a second crèche in Brussels and a possible second assistant's office if no other solutions such as the removal of the sanitation units can be found; stresses in this context the need for Parliament's buildings to be located close to each other in order to achieve more efficiency and also for environmental reasons;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 46
46. Notes that Article 12(9) of the Parliament's Internal Rules for the implementation of the budget, adopted on 27 April 2005, provide that the Internal Auditor's area of competence does not include the appropriations from Parliament's budget managed by political groups; further notes that the specific rules on the use of those appropriations require each political group to establish its own internal financial rules and to implement an internal control system but no mention is made of the internal audit function;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 47
47. Observes that only the rules of one out of seven political groups provide for the appointment of an internal auditor; agrees with the Court of Auditors that the functional independence of groups does not justify the non-application of regulatory provisions on the inStresses that all political groups have to have a yearly external audit and have to present an external audit functioncertificate;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 48
48. Stresses that it is the responsibility of the political groups to put in place their internal auditcontrol system and that this should not be the responsibility of Parliament's Internal Auditor and calls on the Bureau to integrate, as a matter of priority, this obligation in the rules following after consulting the political groupsconsult the political groups on how further audit provisions can be developed;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 50
50. Recalls its request, in its resolution of 5 May 2010, that the Secretary-General contact the other EU institutions in order to establish a central database for the studies that they are conducting which iand to make these studies also available for consultation by the wider public; encourages its Secretary- General to follow up on this request, in particular by proposing to the Commission that that institution establish such a central database; requests to be duly informed of this initiative, expects, in the meantime, that the studies conducted by Parliament are published in full on Parliament's website;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 a (new)
65a. Would like to be informed about the total cost of the House of European History and requests the Secretary General to provide information on which measures will be taken to cope with the expected large increase of visitors for both projects in terms of parking space (busses, cars) and easy access to the Dalle;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 a (new)
65a. Would like to underline that for projects such as the House of European History, the Committees on Budgets and Budgetary Control should be duly consulted before the Bureau takes any irreversible decisions on them;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 86
86. Notes that Parliament has a contract with only one travel agency and sees a certain risk that such a monopolistic situation might prevent Members and Parliament obtaining the best available prices; requires that in future contracts incentives be included to guarantee the lowest price for tickets;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 86 a (new)
86a. Calls on the Secretary General to commission a study on reducing travel cost for Members and staff exploring, for example, the possibility of annual block bookings with airline companies instead of individual bookings and purchase of tickets or using tendering procedures for annual flight contracts; furthermore, calls for a system to be developed to use the collected airmiles on flights reimbursed by Parliament to further reduce costs;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 95
95. Stresses, moreover, the need for the parties and foundations to have a system of standard external auditing instead of the current free choice in the appointment of external auditors, as well as the need for the Parliament's administration to strictly apply accounting rules in particular on contributions in kind, carry-overs and reserves; welcomes, therefore, the recent decision by the Bureau that an external auditor for the parties and the foundation will be provided and paid for by Parliament;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 101 a (new)
101a. Asks the administration to speed up actions to radically reduce the consumption of paper in the House; takes the view that the full use of electronic devices is key to avoiding the more than 1000 tons of paper waste every year; further takes the view that Members should be given the opportunity to indicate that they do not need printed documents;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 101 c (new)
101c. Considers that transport emissions contribute the largest share of Parliament's carbon footprint, which, according to its CO2 action plan, it intends to reduce by 30% by 2020; urges therefore that adequate measures be taken to reduce the carbon footprint; welcomes a study on offsetting in this respect; calls on the responsible Parliament services to systematically provide information about emissions caused by different modes of transport when making travel reservations;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 101 e (new)
101e. Invites the responsible Parliament services to present measures to increase the energy efficiency of Parliament's buildings, especially concerning the retrofitting of glass surfaces and bridges;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 102
102. Encourages Parliament's administration to replace official cars with environmentally friendly vehicles by constantly modernising its fleet with less polluting cars and organising grouped transport with VIP minibuses to airports in Brussels and Strasbourg in order to reduce Parliament's carbon footprint; reiterates its request, expressed in its resolution on discharge for 2008, that Parliament establish its own bicycle service in Strasbourg; strongly urges that this be realized by September 2011; observes that, as a consequence of the improved bicycle service, the fleet of cars could be smaller;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 160 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 103 a (new)
103a. Requests the Bureau to decide, as soon as possible, that all flights booked in respect of travel for Members, staff and assistants will be automatically subject to CO2 compensation;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 103 b (new)
103b. Suggests that accumulated airmiles obtained through work related travel, be used to purchase tickets in order to reduce the significant travel costs of the House;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 104
104. Takes the view that the higher fees paid by Members for transport on school buses represent a form of discrimination against Members as compared to EU officials and that they are therefore not acceptable; calls on the Council to modify the rules in order to bring to an end this discrimination;deleted
Committee: CONT