Activities of Marietje SCHAAKE related to 2014/0059(COD)
Plenary speeches (1)
Self-certification of importers of minerals and metals originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas (debate)
Amendments (11)
Amendment 372 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 a (new)
Article 15 a (new)
Article 15a Accompanying measures 1. The European Union delegations in the countries that coincide with ‘conflict- affected and high-risk areas’ within the meaning of Article 2(e) of this Regulation are to: (a) draw up and update maps of mines that represent a risk, where illegal exploitation is fuelling conflict. They can make use of information gathered by local and international non-governmental organisations, international organisations such as the UN and the OECD, the Member States’ diplomatic networks, private sector due diligence initiatives and the country’s national and local authorities; (b) provide the most reliable possible information on the conflict and mining activities to EU operators in the country. This information is to be communicated on request to EU operators in the country via a natural resources contact point in each delegation concerned; 2. The EEAS in Brussels shall centralise information on conflict minerals gathered by delegations and make it available to companies;
Amendment 373 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 b (new)
Article 15 b (new)
Article 15b The Commission and the EEAS shall engage in political dialogue with the governments of the countries that extract and produce minerals in order to raise awareness of the need for responsible mining operations and to help them put an end to the financing of conflicts by exploitation of minerals;
Amendment 374 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 c (new)
Article 15 c (new)
Article 15c The Union shall establish a dialogue on the need to combat the financing of armed conflicts by means of expoitation of minerals, in the framework of its political and diplomatic relations with: (a) The countries that have legislation designed to combat the exploitation of conflict minerals or that have due diligence initiatives in place; (b) The countries that have significant mineral processing industries;
Amendment 375 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 d (new)
Article 15 d (new)
Article 15d The European Union shall support the initiative of the States taking part in the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) as adopted in the Declaration at the Lusaka Summit in December 2010 on the fight against the illegal exploitation of natural resources in the Great Lakes Region, and shall work in partnership with these countries to monitor and put an end to the exploitation of conflict minerals;
Amendment 376 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 e (new)
Article 15 e (new)
Article 15e An exchange network of good practice on due dilegence shall be put in place on the initiative of the Commission and the EEAS. It shall bring together the various actors who have taken Responsible Supply Chain initiatives, and representatives of the OECD and the United Nations;
Amendment 377 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 f (new)
Article 15 f (new)
Article 15f The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and national diplomats from the Member States shall put the issue of conflict minerals on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council;
Amendment 378 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 g (new)
Article 15 g (new)
Article 15g The European Union Stability Instrument shall be used to finance projects to combat the illegal exploitation of minerals, particularly projects that are designed to raise awareness among the public authorities, private sector actors and civil society organisations, or that help to put an end to the financing of conflicts by exploitation of minerals, and must have adequate resources to achieve these objectives;
Amendment 379 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 h (new)
Article 15 h (new)
Article 15h The Commission and the EEAS, together with the national and local authorities of partner countries, shall put in place projects that favour good governance, the fight against corruption and the fight against arms trading;
Amendment 380 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 i (new)
Article 15 i (new)
Article 15i In its dialogue with third countries, the European Union shall encourage the establishment of social standards and minimum health and safety standards in order to improve miners’ working conditions. The European Union shall urge these countries to combat child labour in the mines;
Amendment 381 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 j (new)
Article 15 j (new)
Article 15j The Commission and the Member States must be prepared to help partner countries of the European Union that are affected by the exploitation of conflict minerals when setting up projects to reform the safety system and reform the legal system;
Amendment 382 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 k (new)
Article 15 k (new)
Article 15k The European Union and the United Nations shall increase their cooperation in UN peacekeeping operations with regard to the monitoring and combating of illegal mining operations in conflict countries;