4 Amendments of Eider GARDIAZABAL RUBIAL related to 2023/2114(INI)

Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital K
K. whereas enlargement is also a major challenge for EU’s financial sustainability, in particular regarding cohesion and agriculture policies; whereas the current and the nex as well as other EU programs and EU-wide solutions; whereas many of the shortcomings and inadequacies in the current mMultiannual fFinancial fFrameworks should be strength are inherent in its logic and design, where predictability of spending drives decisions on structure and amounts and curbs flexibility; whereas there has been a gradual decrease of the EU budget as a percentage of EU gross national income (GNI) and an excessive focus on capping overall spending at roughly 1 % of EU GNI; whereas this has prevented considerablythe Union from delivering on its agreed political ambitions and deprived it of the ability to respond swiftly to crises and emerging needs; whereas the current and the next multiannual financial framework should be properly constructed and significantly strengthened to enable EU enlargement; whereas this financial groundwork must be in place before enlargement takes place;
Committee: AFETAFCO
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital K
K. whereas enlargement is also a major challenge for EU’s financial sustainability, in particular regarding cohesion and agriculture policies; whereas the current and the nex as well as other EU programs and EU-wide solutions; whereas many of the shortcomings and inadequacies in the current mMultiannual fFinancial fFrameworks should be strength are inherent in its logic and design, where predictability of spending drives decisions on structure and amounts and curbs flexibility; whereas there has been a gradual decrease of the EU budget as a percentage of EU gross national income (GNI) and an excessive focus on capping overall spending at roughly 1 % of EU GNI; whereas this has prevented considerablythe Union from delivering on its agreed political ambitions and deprived it of the ability to respond swiftly to crises and emerging needs; whereas the current and the next multiannual financial framework should be properly constructed and significantly strengthened to enable EU enlargement; whereas this financial groundwork must be in place before enlargement takes place;
Committee: AFETAFCO
Amendment 445 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Stresses that enlargement is a major financial challenge for the EU, in particular regarding cohesion and agriculture policies as well as other EU programs and EU- wide solutions; point out that this challenge cannot be met without a larger EU budget andproperly constructed and funded MFF so that the design of the EU budget enables the Union to take on new tasks and functions while continuing to deliver on agreed programmes and political priorities; further stresses that sufficient new own resources are needed to meet enlargement challenge; notes that thisenlargement adds to other growing demands on EU funding in the fields of financial stability, strategic autonomy, health, energy, decarbonisation, digital, research and defence and security; expects the trend towards a more diversified EU expenditure landscape to continue as the scope and depth of EU cooperation progresses; underlines that such financial reforms must be discussed in parallel with the ongoing accession negotiations and adopted before enlargement takes place; defends its position that the current and future multiannual financial frameworks should be strengthened considerably to enable EU enlargement, architecture should be properly constructed and the funding significantly strengthened to enable EU enlargement, without endangering other EU programmes and political priorities and that this financial groundwork must be in place before enlargement takes place;
Committee: AFETAFCO
Amendment 445 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Stresses that enlargement is a major financial challenge for the EU, in particular regarding cohesion and agriculture policies as well as other EU programs and EU- wide solutions; point out that this challenge cannot be met without a larger EU budget andproperly constructed and funded MFF so that the design of the EU budget enables the Union to take on new tasks and functions while continuing to deliver on agreed programmes and political priorities; further stresses that sufficient new own resources are needed to meet enlargement challenge; notes that thisenlargement adds to other growing demands on EU funding in the fields of financial stability, strategic autonomy, health, energy, decarbonisation, digital, research and defence and security; expects the trend towards a more diversified EU expenditure landscape to continue as the scope and depth of EU cooperation progresses; underlines that such financial reforms must be discussed in parallel with the ongoing accession negotiations and adopted before enlargement takes place; defends its position that the current and future multiannual financial frameworks should be strengthened considerably to enable EU enlargement, architecture should be properly constructed and the funding significantly strengthened to enable EU enlargement, without endangering other EU programmes and political priorities and that this financial groundwork must be in place before enlargement takes place;
Committee: AFETAFCO