Activities of Ivo VAJGL related to 2010/2101(INI)

Shadow reports (1)

REPORT on implementation of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: the mid-term review of its action plan and the way forward PDF (187 KB) DOC (109 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2010/2101(INI)
Documents: PDF(187 KB) DOC(109 KB)

Amendments (5)

Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
D. whereas the increasing involvement of non-humanitarian bodies in responding to humanitarian crises carries with it a major risk of confusion between the military and humanitarian roles and blurs the boundaries of neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian aid, whereas effective humanitarian activities in the case of major natural or man-made disasters indispensably require the involvement of military logistical capabilities,
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas the humanitarian context worldwide has deteriorated, the scale of the challenges and the humanitarian need is huge and it is essential to work on strengthening implementation of the European Consensus and the associated action plan, as well as worldwide coordination and burden sharing taking into account the regional responsibilities of the countries who have the capacity to be major contributors of humanitarian aid,
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Calls for respect for the diversity of bodies actively involved in financing and implementing international humanitarian programmes – the UN, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs – and encourages efforts to reinforce the capacity of local players; calls for proper coordination and exchange of information between all actors involved,
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Welcomes the adoption in February 2009 of a new European strategy to improve good governance and support disaster risk reduction in developing countries and calls for the strategy to be implemented swiftly;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Calls for a major effort to ensure that disaster risk reduction is morebe mainstreamed in all EU policies and systematically included as an aspect of development aid and humanitarian aid policies;
Committee: DEVE