1 Amendments of Ivari PADAR related to 2010/0204(COD)

Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 24 – paragraph 1
CIT-staff carrying out cross-border transport within the meaning of the present Regulation shall be guaranteed the relevant minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates, in the host Member State in analogy with the provisions laid down in Article 3(1)(c) of Directive 96/71/EC. If the relevant minimum rates of pay in the host Member State are higher than the wage paid to the employee in the Member State of origin, the relevant minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates, of the host Member State shall apply for the whole working day. If transport is carried out in several host Member States during a day and more than one of these have higher relevant minimum rates of pay than the wage applied in the Member State of origin, the highest of those minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates, shall apply for the whole working day. , and any other statutory or contractual or extra- contractual benefits, including but not limited to risk premiums in force in the host Member State. If a collective labour agreement is in force in the host Member State, that agreement shall apply. If the relevant minimum rates of pay in the host Member State are higher than the wage paid to the employee in the Member State of origin, the relevant minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates and any other statutory or contractual or extra- contractual benefits including but not limited to risk premiums, of the host Member State shall apply for the whole working day. If a collective labour agreement is in force in the host Member State, that agreement shall apply. If transport is carried out in several host Member States during a day and more than one of these have higher relevant minimum rates of pay than the wage applied in the Member State of origin, the highest of those minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates and any other statutory or contractual or extra-contractual benefits including but not limited to risk premiums, shall apply for the whole working day. If a collective labour agreement in force in the host Member State provides for the highest minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates and any other statutory or contractual or extra-contractual benefits including but not limited to risk premiums, that agreement shall apply.
Committee: ECON